King's Business - 1920-08




SHOP WORK mean and vile. I carry the Testament to my work and each day it is a letter from my friends. And some day I hope to really see them and live with them, for I am preparing myself for their city, whose founder is God. Christ says j may enter on conditions. Those condi­ tions I have met and I know and am assured that the Holy Spirit goes with me wherever I go, yes, even closer than I can see my own shadow in the sun­ light. Some day I will open my eyes to behold what John saw, that beauty which no one has seen. Darkness is not pleasant, but He tells me there is no darkness, no pain or sorrow. It seems to me wonderful to realize one can have a true present Friend, without money. May God’s richest blessing attend your labors and believe me I am adopted in the King’s family, Your Christ,--------------------.” VERNON V. MORGAN, Supt. Doors of Utterance Opened “ My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” The past month has been one of the most fruit­ ful months we have had. Some of the lost sheep heard the voice of the Great Shepherd of the sheep and followed Him. It was our privilege to spend six days in Garden Grove and neighboring towns, holding nightly cottage meetings in the homes of Roman Catholics as well as in the homes of believers, which resulted in several making a definite decision for Jesus Christ. In company with the Mexican pastor we did considerable visit­ ing among all the Mexicans that could be located and in personal interviews we reached many that could not get out to the services. Our hearts have been en­ couraged by the manifest interest among the people. Eternity alone will reveal the result of our labor there. Just recently we discovered a new Mexican settlement and while visiting from house to house for the first time, the reception was most cordial. When we announced the purpose of our visit at one home through a partly open door, the door was immediately opened wide and an urgent invitation was given to enter. As we entered, a chair was given us and we told them the old, old story of Jesus and His love. We could see by their actions that they had opened their hearts to receive the mes- SPANISH WORK

A Daily Fishing Pool Biola Hall is a great fishing pool. We fish for men, day and night. Many are won who pass out of our lives im­ mediately, but many others come back or write to us of their newfound joy. God blesses His own Word, so we do not need to worry about results, but leave them entirely with Him. We would ask our readers to pray for a young man just recently converted, who has many obstacles to overcome. He came here from the east, after de­ serting his wife who is a Catholic, be­ cause she wanted their child educated by her'church and the priest wanted to charge one hundred dollars because the husband was not of that faith. Now, of course, his great desire is to win his wife for the Lord and return to her. He needs much prayer that he may be stead­ fast in his faith and patient in seeking to reunite his family. • Sixty Years For the Devil Another who has just come to the Lord after living sixty years on the Devil’s side writes of his experience and thanksgiving to God. One can better understand his story and wonderful dev­ elopment through studying the Scrip­ tures by reading his own words. “ Your letter received, and contents noted. I Wish to thank you very, very much for same,, likewise accept of my deepest gratitude for the copy of the Gospel of John and ‘God and Me’ and Pocket Testament. “ I can assure you, brother, if I had not known Christ now, I should be of all men most miserable. I came down town to take in the movies, but was stopped at your Hall and listened with rapt at­ tention to the exposition of the Scrip­ tures. My mind and heart were touched as never before and I resolved there and then to ask and look for that peace which the world cannot give or take away. That night 1 went home and read the whole of John’s Gospel. I must say I believe every word in it. It seems to me I see a new light whereby to lead me in this dark world of sin and sorrow. And the question appeals to me,—when man dies will he live again? I am cer­ tain in the affirmative. And I do say, sincerely, “ Come, quickly Lord Jesus.” No words that I may be able to write would express my devotion and love for the One who bore my meanness and sin­ fulness, especially when He was pure, good and Holy, while I was everything

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