King's Business - 1920-08



Brother Cant as he shall again take up the work in the shops. MARION REYNOLDS.

quite at home and quite sure we were in for a time of revival. That town is blessed with a man of God as a pastor. I am not surprised at his being that, for he is an old Spurgeon’s College man and has had intimate fellowship with the big­ gest and best me;n in God’s work. He was with us heart and soul in every thing that was preached from God’s Word. It is unusual to find men like that in the pulpits today. There are many who will be with one while some of the Bible is preached, but not all. The campaign wasn’t an easy one, neith­ er was it hard. The people took with equanimity all I could give them and some came right out for the Lord. Mr. Sanders was truly a helpmeet in the work of the Lord. His gifted and tact­ ful way of handling a meeting made the preaching an easy job. The following local newspaper report of the meeting will give some idea of the work done there: “ To the beautiful little valley of Escondido came for three weeks’ cam­ paign W. P. Nicholson and Charles Sand­ ers. Mr. Nicholson preached the Word with great power and pungency, fearless and unafraid. Nightly, as they waited before him, he laid bare the secret place in the heart where sin lurked, perhaps unknown and unheeded. With the skill of a surgeon he cut to the depths, ex­ posing the spurious and unwholesome in our lives, showing the “ born again” ones that to be used of God they must be emptied of self and the world, and Spirit filled. The unregenerated heard, perhaps as never before, God’s call to the sinner—His plan for atonement and its alternative. Mr. Sanders is a singer of rare talent and his message of song was an able second to the preached word. This, to­ gether with a consecrated Pastor and his people, constituted an element of power. Though many were irresistibly drawn by the power of the Word and many gave evidence of strong convic­ tion, only a Comparatively few made enfession up to the last night of the campaign. And then victory! The Pentacostal shower was upon us; the flood gates were opened and repressed longings broke forth into freedom as the rushing of mighty waters, and many hastened to accept the salvation of the Lord. It was a scene to be remembered for a lifetime. A great voice of thanks goes out from our little church to these men who came


Two in One Family Saved God graciously favors the work among the Jews by inclining the hearts of some of his “ ancient people” to hear and to heed the Gospel message' proclaimed among them. Some years ago in one of the poorer districts of the city a Jewish mother died, leaving a husband and two child­ ren, a boy and a girl. The husband, a very unnatural father, deserted the children, leaving them to shift for them­ selves as best they could. It is not sur­ prising that under those circumstances the girl should fall into bad company and it was not long before she had made moral shipwreck of her life. Some of our workers came in touch with her about this time and she was reclaimed and brought to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Recently her brother who had been in an industrial institution for years visited Los Angeles on his honey­ moon. His wife was a Gentile Christian girl, but gave herself nd especial concern over her husband’s spiritual condition as she was laboring under the strange de­ lusion that her own faith in Christ guar­ anteed her husband’s salvation without faith on his part. When approached about his own relation to God, the husb­ and was found quite rebellious against God for' permitting him to be so much mistreated during his boyhood. How­ ever, his sister’s conversion was not without its influence upon him and be­ fore leaving for his new home in the North, he too confessed Jesus as Sav­ iour and Messiah and thus not only made certain of happiness here in this life, which had been denied him in earlier years, but made equally certain of eter­ nal happiness in the life which is to come. J. A. VAUS, Superintendent. I N ICHOLSON MEETINGS Escondido a “ Bonnie Place” I have been in many a place in my time, but never struck a bonnier place than Escondido or a place where the people were finer and kindlier. We were not long on the field until we felt

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