with a message from God and w;ho so faithfully delivered the message.” Off For Ireland By the time this is read, I will he over in Ireland, where I will be for more than a year. The entire time is booked, so I will he busy for the Lord during my absence. Please pray for me and the work to be done over there. WM. P. NICHOLSON. Sowing Down a Big Liner The big transport with its large load of human freight, of which we spoke in the last report, has gone. A shipment of literature ordered from the East did not arrive in time, but God had His own way and a shipment came from the South, and was placed among the hungry hearts. The same day rumors that the vessel was to be Bombed caused all offi cials to be on the lookout and the worker was glad that the Lord permitted the Gospel to be given a few days before, for as a result the worker was permitted free access while those representing humanitarian organizations were not al lowed on board. Some welfare organiza tions earlier had brought food and cloth ing to the ship, distributing it among the prisoners, with the result that a num ber of men changed their prison garb for American style clothes and slipped out past the guard to ffeedom. A man bringing nothing but the Gospel, how ever, could not be under suspicion which shows how the good is the greatest foe to the best. All Gospels, books and tracts available were used and the Gos pel in print was eagerly taken up. Much prayer has gone up to Him and who knows what He will work out in His plan of Redemption, the Spirit ever present to press home the claims of Christ to needy hearts. Saved Through A Gospel A Japanese liner one day brought much joy to the worker. The chief engineer warmly greeted the worker whom he recognized at once. The nice comfortable cabin offered a fine opportunity to quietly .discuss eternal things and so the subject was ap proached. The man wgs very friendly and said, “ I met you on the S. S. T. Maru where I was then chief engineer, and I am very glad to see.you.” Not knowing what his condition was before God, it was difficult to say the right thing, as it was embarrassing to the worker not to HARBOR WORK
remember if this man were, a Christian or not when he was met before. “ Did I understand that you are a Christian?” was asked. To which he replied, “ I am.” “ Is that what .you told me when I saw you last?” “ No, I was not a Christian then, but I am one now.” Then he ex plained that he had read the Gospel of John in Japanese that was given him on a previous visit on the other ship and after reading and re-reading it, light and hope and assurance came to his soul, while off on the high seas. To test him we asked him reasons for saying he was a Christian and he said that he believed Christ died for his sins and rose from the dead. John 5:24 was then given him and he went away rejoicing in having full assurance. A Jew Who Took to Water A Jew, a convert' of the Seamen’s Department, offers another occasion for praise in the clear-cut stand he took for the Lord. Very few Jews take to the water; they make no profession of favor ing a sailor’s life. We found this man on the street, where the Holy Spirit sometimes arrests the attention of men, causing them to stop and to listen while He presses home the truth through the means of .the worker. After listening attentively to the message, he accepted Christ. Pray for us in this work that He may he glorified, that souls may be won, es tablished and used of Him. OSCAR ZIMMERMAN. Bagged Little Urchin Saved He was one’ of the most profane, care less, little urchins in the neighborhood. Even ordinarily careless mothers object ed to him as a playmate for their boys. When the president of our Boys’ Club invited him to become a member, I asked, “Why did you do it?” to which I received the matter of fact reply, “ J thought he needed it.” He signed the Pocket Testament pledge and began car rying his Testament with him. Soon his father and older brother began carrying Testaments, then the boys enrolled in Sunday School, and later little Dick showed me his acceptance of Christ signed in the back of his Testament. His life among the boys bears witness to the reality of the change. Word Doesn’t Return Void In conversation with a woman who had attended the Bible Class so irregu- BIBLE WOMEN
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