756 larly, because of other responsibilities, that I wondered just how much she had really taken in, I was rejoiced to have her tell me how wonderfully God had brought to her remembrance again and again points in the lessons which she thought she had forgotten, just at her time of need in trying to remove some difficulty from the path of some weaker Christian or to lead a sinner to Christ. Surely His Word does not return void.' lied Out Into Service The study of the Word in a Bible Class is leading some women out into real service for the Lord. One young woman recently led her first soul to the Lord and testified that if it had not been for the study in the Gospel of John, she would not have known how to do it. Now she is eager to win more souls and on the alert for every opportunity to speak a word for the Lord. A Life Made Glad She had been “ cast out” " by the church of which she had been a member since childhood. The worker found her just ready to listen to some friendly voice with a message of hope. After giving just a taste of “ the sincere milk of the Word,” We invited her to the èible Class. She came and soon began to ask questions. After the conclusion of the lesson of the blind man restored by the Lord, cast out by the Pharisees, but found of Him who came to seek and save the lost, she asked the teacher to visit her in her home. We went and found our friend full of questions which were soon cleared up by the light of God’s Word. These out of thé way, she gladly accepted the One she had come to know through the Word. Then she told of how she used to go back to bed for an extra hour’s sleep after her husband left in the morning, but since she had been coming to the Bible Class, that hour had been spent in the reading of the Word. Her life has been a sad one, but now she says, “ It seems as if it doesn’t matter much what we have to endure here, when we know what is coming by and by.” I HR DARWIN’S LAST WORDS The following little account by Lady Hope of the death of Charles Darwin, the evolutionist, is startling; it is a most wonderful narrative, and contains
THE K I NG ' S B U S I N E S S the account of a great and terrible tragedy, the tragedy of Christendom for the past sixty years. The lapse from the true faith, the blight which has spoilt the Christian harvest, have here a surpassingly strange light cast upon them. Darwin is propped up in bed, and he looks out over the lovely landscape as the sun is setting. He is reading— the Bible! Says Lady Hope: “ I made some allusion to the strong opinions ex pressed by many persons oh the history of the Creation, its grandeur, and then to their treatment of the earlier chap ters of the Book of Genesis. “He seemed greatly distressed, his fingers twitched nervously, and a look of agony came over his face as he said: “ ‘I was a young man with unformed ideas. I threw out queries, suggestions, wondering all the time over everything; and to my astonishment the ideas took like wildfire. People made a religion of them.’ ” Was there ever a more dramatic scene? The very soul of tragedy is here exposed to us! Darwin, enthusiast for the Bible, speaking with glowing en thusiasm about “ the grandeur of this Book,” reminded of that modern evo lutionary movement in theology which, linked with skeptical criticism, has be come a blight in all the Churches and has destroyed Biblical faith in multi tudes—Darwin, with a look of agony, deploring it all and declaring :^ j“ I was a young man with unformed ideas.” Imploring his visitor, he said: “ Do gather servants, tenants, and neighbors together, and preach to them Jesus Christ. I know you read the Bible in the villages.” • This remarkable picture of Darwin is a challenge to every Modernist. What an overwhelming criticism! The “ un formed ideas” of the young man Dar win are the basis of modern evolution ary theology!
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