King's Business - 1920-08


Tke Ckosen People,Tke Land and die Book

Notes Concerning the JevJs and Propkec?


Pope, the Great Obstructionist- Max Nordau, the greatest authority on Zionism, shows how the Vatican is at work to obstruct and undermine the Jewish movement to the homeland. He says: “ Any claim of the pope to the sov­ ereignty of Palestine, M. Nordau de­ clares would be hailed with enthusiasm by the Catholics of Prance, Italy, Bel- guim, Ireland, Germany, Spain and America. Many desire to transfer the papacy from Rome to Jerusalem in view of the complicated situation in Italy. They consider the Vatican the heir to the traditions of the Crusades. In view of these facts M. Nordau suggests it as advisable to give to Romanism extra territorial right to the holy places, in­ timating that in this way anti-Jewish persecution in the world at large at the hands of the international Romish octo­ pus might be avoided. “ Let Catholic­ ism have its own way in Jerusalem. What we Jews want is agricultural land. Some greater towns, sure to develop quickly, would amply suffice for admin­ istrative, judicial, military, educational and intellectual activities.” Hebrew Christian Alliance The Hebrew Christian Alliance of America proposes, during the next five years, with God’s help, to raise a million dollars to establish in America a Hebrew Christian Headquarters and Training school, with dormitories, to prepare workers for service in the Jewish field; to send out itinerant evangelists in America, Palestine and Eastern Europe to preach Christ’s Gospel to the Jewish people, and to render material help to needy Hebrew Christians in Russia and Poland. These latter are refused help from the official Jewish relief and find

it difficult to secure it from Gentile Christians. The Kaiser Left His Mark Lord Southborough indicates among duties that will devolve upon the future governors of Palestine—-a work of demo­ lition no less than of constructive ef­ fort. One of the first things to be razed to the ground must be the clock-tower— of singularly hideous design— erected at the entrance of Jerusalem, to commemo­ rate the historic visit of Kaiser Wil­ helm. The writer adds: Much worse#than the wretched clock-tower is the large building which has been erected on the Mount of Olives. It dominates the whole of Jerusalem, and forms an offensive spectacle to anyone with a sense of the fitness of things. This building was put up by the German Emperor as a palace for himself, where he probably in­ tended to spend a part of his time when he had subjugated his enemies and broken his alliance with the Turks. The Doors Are Open The mandate for Palestine having been accepted by Great Britain (April 26) there has been unusual activity on the part of the Jews everywhere. The news of Great Britain’s action is com­ parable only to the decree of Cyrus (2 Chron. 36; Ezra 1), when the Jews of Babylon were given freedom to return from the 70 years captivity. Now they are free to return from world-wide dispersion. God Left Out It is very noticeable that God is left entirely out of the doing of the Zionists. As it was in the days of Jeremiah, they are forming this new nation with the same kind of political and religious lead­ ership. The nation went on the rocks then, and the terrible judgments await it now, as the great tribulation period looms before them. The World Center Palestine lies at the center not only of the old continents, but also of the land surface of the globe. Surely God has a purpose in making it the land of redemption. See Ezek. 5:5, Psa. 74:12. It is easily accessible from all quarters of the earth.

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