King's Business - 1920-08



TEN REASONS WHY Every Christian Home Should Have a Family Altar 1. Because it will send you forth to the daily task with cheerful heart, stronger for the work, truer to duty and determined in whatever is done therein to glorify God. 2. Because it will give you strength to meet the discouragements, the dis­ appointments, the unexpected adversi­ ties and sometimes the blighted hopes that may fall to your lot. 3. Because it will make you con­ scious throughout the day of the attend­ ing presence of an unseen, divine One, who will bring you through more than conqueror over every unholy thought or thing that rises up against you. 4. Because it will sweeten home life and enrich home relationship as noth­ ing else can do. 5. Because it will resolve all the misunderstanding and relieve all the friction that sometimes intrudes into the sacred precincts of family life. 6. Because it will hold as nothing else the boys and the girls when they have gone out from underneath the pa­ rental roof and so determine very large­ ly the eternal salvation of your chil­ dren: 7. Because it will exert a helpful, hallowed influence over those who may at any time be guests within the home. 8. Because it will enforce as noth­ ing else can do the work of your pas­ tor in pulpit and in pew and stimulate the life of your church in its every ac­ tivity. 9. Because it will furnish an exam­ ple and a stimulus to other homes for the same kind of life and service and devotion to God. 10. Because the Word of God re­ quires it and in thus obeying God we honor Him who is the Giver of all good and the source of all blessing. i—Biederwolf.

Highway Foretold by Isaiah Isaiah, in predicting Israel’s return, speaks of a great highway to be built from Egypt to Assyria (Isa. 11:11-16). A railway that runs from Cairo to Jerusalem and on to Damascus and Aleppo was recently completed. Con­ nection is now about to be made with the Bagdad Railway, reaching the length of the Euphratean Valley. Is not this system the great highway that furnishes easy communication for all travelers en­ tering Palestine from every direction? Conflicting Elements in Palestine Recent news from Jerusalem is not at all happy. There is great difficulty in reconciling the different elements in Palestinian life. Allied troops have been in possession of Jerusalem, and order has been maintained under difficulties. While military government continues, the new state cannot be created. God’s Methods With Israel The restoration of Israel is not de­ scribed, in prophecy, as coming about suddenly, or by pleasing means. On the contrary, if one carefully compares the numerous predictions scattered through­ out the Scriptures, one cannot but per­ ceive that the methods adopted by God are these: first, the gradual gathering from North, South, East, and West (Isa. 43:55-6), of a “ remnant,” ' evidently to prepare the way for the remainder; next, the gradual formation of Jewish national aspirations— such as Zionism (Ezek. 37:5, 11, 22); thirdly, the forced return of multitudes owing to persecu­ tion, especially from countries situated north of Palestine (Isa. 66:8; 27:13; Jer. 30:11. 17; 32:37; 31:8, 9; and Zech. 2:6-7). In the result there was to be a gradual recolonization of the land by Israelites, a gradual restoration of the fertility of the land, and a gradual assembling of some considerable portion of the nation. The accruing prosperity will arouse "Jacob’s Trouble” (Jer. 30:7; Dan. 12:1; Zech. 13:8-9; 14:1-14). The Lord may come for the church while these things are in their begin­ nings. See Mt. 24:32.

The worthiest people are generally at­ tacked by slanders. It is the best fruit that the birds peck at.

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