King's Business - 1920-08



As I told you, my Father’s youngest sister, of San Francisco, whose husband was twice in the state legislature, wrote and published the largest volume I have ever seen, by a writing medium. (About the size of Webster’s Unabridged Dic­ tionary.) She acknowledged the Devil helped her to write it. She said the spirits were ever with her. She died a maniac. Her sister of San Leandro, Cal., was a trance medium. In answer to my pleading for her soul,. she told me she was going to the devil and she did not care how soon. She was later confined in the Napa Insane asylum and starved herself to death. She frequent­ ly tried to kill her husband who was also a spiritist. That people are demon possessed, I have not the slightest doubt, for com­ manding in the name of the Lord Jesus, we have seen the evil ones cast out and the afflieted ones immediately freed from their power. As to the materializing of the spirits, I will give you as near as I remember the experience of Rev. W. C. Stevens, formerly superintendent of the Nyack Training School, with a family in Santa Rosa, Cal. The husband was an infidel. His wife and daughter attended seances. The wife took up the pencil writing as an amusement. In a short time she be­ came an expert. The husband was much amused, but when under the influence, she tried to kill him, he acknowledged that there was a supernatural power over his wife, for she was naturally a very quiet and affectionate woman. He called Brother Stevens in to pray for the wife, and in the Name of the Lord Jesus the evil spirits were cast out. I have seen the house where the fam­ ily lived and believe it is true. Most respectfully, N. J. YOUNG. OXEN AND ASSES C. H. Spurgeon used to divide Chris­ tians into two classes— those who work­ ed in the church, and those who didn’t. And to clinch his remarks he quoted Job i. 14, which reads: “ The oxen were ploughing in the field, and the asses were feeding beside them.”

enlightened self-interest every prompt­ ing of gratitude, and every impulse of service to our fellowmen, should lead us to bow our wills to God’s will and to accept Jesus Christ as our eternal Savior and our divine Lord! SPIRITISM AND DEMONISM The following letter was recently re­ ceived by Rev. W. H. Pike of the fac­ ulty of the Bible Institute. The writer is able to give some first-hand informa­ tion regarding spiritism. Los Angeles, Cal., May 24, 1920. Rev. W. H. Pike, Bible Institute, City. Dear Brother: I was pleased with your lecture last Thursday evening on “ Demoniacal Possession or Spiritism.” You cannot be too positive in assert­ ing. the first cr condemning the second. That you may be led to warn others, I want to give my experience showing how near I was to yielding to Satan’s power. My Father’s and Mother’s brothers and sisters were spiritists. Some trance and some writing mediums. Both my parents, however, were Baptists. My Mother’s sister was an honest, con­ scientious clairvoyant and many won­ derful things were demonstrated thru her. My first experience was with Bastian and Taylor, two former mediums, in Chicago. It was my first Christian year. Having been taught by my parents that Spiritism was of the evil One, I was therefore fortified against it. My Father’s oldest brother’s widow was a firm believer in the cult. She chose me as her escort to various spir­ itistic meetings. It was under this Bas­ tian and Taylor that such demonstra­ tions of Satan’s power was displayed. I put them to the test, but the dear Lord kept His child put of the snare. These mediums, as far as I know, were never accused of fraud. The great temptation was the appearance of hands and faces of the dead, appealing to the tender affections for our loved ones, and these appeared, not to those who were willing and able to give large sums of money to see the departed, but to the uninitiated. Converts were easily made, for demonstrations were far beyond the art of trickery.

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