768 Israel as found in Judges 20:23 how dif ferent would have been the result: “And the children of Israel went up and wept before the Lord until even, and asked counsel of the Lord, saying, Shall I go up again to battle against the children of Benjamin, my brother? And the Lord said, Go up against him.” The ark was taken from the house of Abinadab, and Uzzah and Ahio, his sons, drove the oxen. There was a great pro cession,—-30,000 people, led by the king and all kinds of instruments. All seemed well, hut all was not well. (2) THE BREACH UPON UZZAH, vs. 6 - 8 . It was a great occasion. There was the blast of trumpets and the sound of song. The procession moved bravely on for a short time, then came a rough piece of road and the tilting of the cart, the hand of Uzzah to stay the ark, and the judgment of God. All was changed. One sin leads to another. The king had not enquired of God, and the young priest had assumed to stay the ark. This seemed like a little thing for Uzzah to do, hut God can take care of His own ark. We have all seen enterprises start ed with a great sound of trumpets and burst of music, waving of handker chiefs, great crowds of people, and then some day it is suddenly stricken as with a mighty judgment, and goes to pieces. How did Moses do? (Numbers 10:34- 36; 4:15). What other instances have we of God’s swift judgment upon one who trifles with holy things? (2 Chron. 26:20; Acts 5:5; 13:11). The lesson here is with reference to irreverence for God’s Word and for holy things. Are there spiritual judgments? Are men left barren in the ministry? Are churches blighted? Are institutions given over by God? We must come back to the place of true worship, true reverence, true obedience, if God’s bles sing is to abide. (3) BLESSING UPON THE HOUSE OF OBED-EDOM, vs. 9-11. The effect of God’s judgment upon Uzzah was to startle David. He was displeased. He was disappointed. -His
THE K I NG ' S B U S I N E S S great plan, his great procession, had come to naught. Think of finding fault with God! What a picture of the human heart! It would have been bet ter if he had been humbled. Better to have waited upon God at first, and bet ter to have waited upon God now. David was also afraid like Peter (Luke 5:8, 9). “When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down, at Jesus' knees, saying, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord.” What David lost Obed-Edom gained. Obed-Edom was blessed. He had faith in God. He knew of the curse that had come to the Philistines, but he revered God. He welcomed Him to his home. An open door for God’s presence will in sure His blessing. Abinadab had no blessing. The ark was nothing to him but furniture. A cross on a gold chain means nothing. A Bible on the table means nothing. A mere church membership means noth ing. A mere profession of religion is nothing. But the recognized presence of God in the life means everything. Blessing awaits every home, every heart, where Christ is honored, adored, wor shipped. (1 Chron. 13:14). “And the ark of God remained with the family of Obed-Edom, in his house, three months. And the Lord blessed the house of Obed-Edom and all that he had.” He was poor, but God made him rich. “ If any man serve me, him will my Father honor.” (John 12:26). (4) BRINGING THE ARK UP IN GOD’S WAY, vs. 12-15. Finally David brings the ark up in God’s way. He hears of the blessing upon Obed-Edom. Of course he did. He wanted some of that same blessing. So will sinners if they can see in our lives how gracious God is. “ Take knowledge of us, that we have besn with Jesus.” How humiliating that we show so little of the Christ life to a lost world. Even King David could not be satis fied without the presence of Jehovah. Now he seeks God’s will and way. He reverenced God. He made sacrifices. it was a gala day. The Levites with
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