King's Business - 1920-08



child died and the parents are on trial for murder. The charge against them reads “ They by force and arms did kill and slay.” We are glad to know that there is a growing tendency to deal with de­ luded parents who permit their children to suffer and sometimes die for want of the needed treatment. We have societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals. Why not a society to prevent such cruelty to children who when they are sick are told that they are not sick, and when they are in pain are told that there is no pain and to “ forget it?” If some dose could be given to such parents that would produce a real case of colic and their children could gather around them and tell them to “ forget it” and “ hold the thought,” it would help to make nil the nonsense of the Eddyites. Pity the children who are being raised in these homes, and pity these deluded dupes, and pray that the Lord may deliver many from the power of Satan who are now following these cunningly devised fables. If we cannot help the parents, then for the sake of these poor, helpless children who are not responsible for coming into the world and who did not choose brainless parents, let us do something to help the little ones. —T. C. H. A DESERVED Deatk The Interchurch World Movement received a death blow at the meeting of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian church in Philadelphia last June. This movement did not emanate from the churches, but from self- appointed leaders. It was not born of the Holy Spirit of God, nor nurtured in prayer. It was conceived of the devil, and born of the flesh, as was mani­ fested in its development. It was an effort to put something over on the dear people. It was de­ vised as a “ drive.” The whip handle was in the hands of the political leaders. The sheep were not led, but driven. Many under-shepherds were warned that they must put it over upon penalty of being put out of their position if they faltered or failed. The movement was a menace. It caused a shadow like a great mountain, portending ruin to any rebel. There was a strangle hold upon the poor under-shepherds. The word “ world” loomed up so large upon the horizon that the people could see thousands of missionaries rushing to the white fields to give the message to the neglected people. They saw churches crowded to the doors to hear the good news of the Gospel. Tens of thous­ ands of saints who loved the Lord put their names to subscription blanks, innocently ignorant of facts, or they would have withheld their hands from becoming a party to a compact that would hurt the heart of their loving Lord and bring sorrow and suffering to both the church and the world. Where were the men and women for this world-wide work ? From what schools were they to come, or to what schools were they to be sent to be trained that were not tainted with the poisonous doctrines of devil-deluded critics who deny the Word of God, and whose sole aim in life seems to be the spoiling of the souls of men? Where did the slogan of “ The World for Christ” instead of “ Christ for the world” originate?

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