King's Business - 1920-08



(to the worthiest), and said to his lords and knights, “ He who fights the best and wins the day shall be king; I waive all rights, and will have none but those you give me tonight.” He fought like a lion and when the evening came, all that was left of his nobles gathered round the altar, and shouted, “ Thou, O King, art the most worthy,” and gave him back his crown. Thus should every ruler lay his crown at the feet of Jesus Christ and seek His guidance and power to rule. Golden Text Rlustration. This prayer of Edward YI King of England A. D. 1555 ought to be prayed by every ruler at the beginning of his rule as well as the close. “ Lord God, deliver me from this miserable, wretched life, qnd receive me among Thy chosen; nevertheless not my will, but Thine be done. Lord, I commit my spirit to Thee. O Lord, Thou knowest how happy it were for me to be with Thee, yet. for Thy People’s sake if it be Thy will, send life and health, that I may truly serve Thee: O Lord, save Thy chosen people of England! O Lord God, defend this realm, and maintain Thy true religion, that I and my people may praise Thy Holy Name for Jesus Christ’s sake.” v. 4. Solomon went to Gibeon. The prominent distinction of this place arose from the old tabernacle and the brazen altar which Moses had maae m t h e wilderness COMMENTS FROM being there. (1 MANY SOURCES Chron. 1 6 : 3 9 ; Keith L. Brooks 24:29; 2 Chron. 1:3-6). This was the season of national devotion,— Jamieson. A thousand burnt offerings. That which is laid out in promoting fel­ lowship with God is not wasted.— Henry. Each one that Solomon offered pointed forward to Christ in whom there is a better ground of approach to God than in countless slain beasts (Heb. 10:10- 22).— Torrey. v. 5. The Lord appeared in a dream. Dreams and visions are no longer neces­ sary because we now have the complete revelation of God’s mind, way and will

claimed, “ Follow me, my brave fellows.” They had scarcely entered the boat be­ fore a huge wave dashed over the Em­ peror. “ Onward! Onward!” he cried, but the daring effort was vain, progress was impossible. “ Push on! Push on!” cried Napoleon; “ do you not hear their cries?” At this moment a mighty billow struck the boat with tremendous force, and drove it hack, quivering to the shore. Napoleon was cast ashore by the spur­ ring billows like a drifting fragment or dripping seaweed. The Justice of Solomon. “ I have a friend,” said one, “ who ten years ago lost all his earthly wealth. At that time he made some sort of a com­ promise with his creditors, but expressed his purpose ultimately to pay them all. Not long ago he called upon me and said, ‘I have just paid the last shilling X owed. I have now nothing left except a' good conscience, and a resolute pur­ pose. I never was so happy in my life.’ I grasped his hand and reminded him of what Burns had said. ‘The honest man, though e’er sae poor, Is king of men for a’ that’.” Wisdom Comes from Above. An athletic young man asked a preacher if there was any harm in his learning the manly art of self-defense. “ Certainly not,” replied the preacher, “ I learned it myself in my youth, and have found it of the greatest value.” “ Indeed!” exclaimed the would-be boxer, “ May I inquire what system you learn­ ed?” "I learned the Solomon system described in Proverbs 15:1, ‘A soft answer turneth away wrath’.” Only a Submitted Authority Really Reigns. It is told of King Phillippe-Auguste, of France, conquered at Bouvines, in A. D. 1214, the Flemish and English armies. Before the battle he caused an altar to be erected in the middle of his camp, and on it he deposited his crown with this inscription, “ Au plus digne”

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