797 arguments and hair-splitting dialectics and philosophical conundrums! The times are too serious for such trifles. “ Ye must be born again,” with emphasis upon “ born” again, and double emphasis upon “ must.” There can be no reform atory tinkering with the soul, hut “ a new creation.” You say he is narrow: he retorts that he is out to preach a narrow way. His Book.—He believes unflinchingly in the infallibility of the Bible. This tenacity of belief in the Scriptures does not arise out of any blind loyalty to the traditidnal views of orthodoxy. It springs from a deep-rooted conviction of the veracity of the Word of God, verified over and over again in his own life and substantiated by his own experience. He has lived on the Word. It has been his daily food, and he has found it to he, in truth, God’s infallible Word. In it God speaks. Through it God speaks. His sermons are the work of a master- builder, massive and impressive. He al ways carries with him the atmosphere of a man of God. His Purpose.—He goes forth armed with the Word of God: driven by an in ward inevitability;, called by the awful solemnity of impending.doom; and in spired by the conviction that he is sent by God. The Church is asleep. Chris tians are sluggish, indifferent, and worldly. He disturbs us out of our complacency; he shakes us out of our lethargy; he commands us with unequiv ocal authority out of our worldliness. He comes like a herald before a storm, warning, beseeching, threatening.. He cares for neither man nor devil; and he speaks with the dogmatism and incon- trovertibility of a man who has received his orders from the King. He drives his sword into the heart, and splits it open that we may see the filth, the pride, the jealousy, the evil desires, the lust, the selfishness that are therein.— T. C. Jones.
THE K I NG ' S B U S I N E S S than we ask Him to, and He will do for us just as He did for Solomon. The kind of choices we make as boys and girls shows what kind of men and women .we will grow to he. Some boys and girls choose just the things to make them happy in this world, and never think about God, hut Solomon was one of the greatest and wisest men that ever lived, and the reason was because he started out by loving the Lord and obey ing Him, and now we can start out the same way, and ask Jesus to give us wis dom that we may always know just the right thing to do, for if we make right choices now as boys and girls, and give God the first place in our lives, God will know we love him, and if we love Him, like Solomon we will worship Him. To give Jesus first place in our lives means that we will always he in Sunday School unless we are sick or away in some place where there is no Sunday School, and even then do you know you can have mother tell you a story from the Bible and sing and have a fine Sunday School right at home. Closing Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus we thank thee for the Bible, and help us to make the right kind of choices every day. THE MINISTER WE NEED Someone has said that a prophet is one who sees God’s Truth by a distinct vision; who speaks as one upon whose eyeballs has burned the Light of the Eternal. His Decisiveness.— Compromise is a word foreign to his nature. There can he no talk of compromise between God and the devil; between heaven and hell. It would he monstrous to suggest it. The world is depraved. Sentence of death has been passed upon all. The whole .world stands condemned before God. Christ died to avert that condem nation. It is the only thing that mat ters. Away, then, with your puerile
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