The Best Books
- Bible Study Classes LOOKING FORWARD to the time when the vacation sea son is over and you are all settled in your homes once more ready to take up work, we are presenting below a few suggestions of good material to use in your fall and winter Bible class work. Personal Work Dr. R. A . Torrey $1.25 What the Bible Teaches Dr. R. A . Torrey $3.00
The Text Book of The Bible Institute in all the classes^ on Doctrine. Can be successfully used in any size class. - Studies in the Life and Teachings o f Our Lord Dr. R. A . Torrey $ 2.00 The most thorough and at the same time most practical life of Christ for Bible Study classes we have ever seen. One hundred and forty chapters complete with questions and answers. With Christ in the School o f Prayer Andrew Murray 75c The 31 chapters comprising this book furnishes the most comprehensive and most satisfactory^ study course on prayer that can be obtained. Rich blessings al ways attend its use. The Typical Teaching o f the Tabernacle W . S. Hottel Paper, 50c; Cloth, $1.00 Very clear, very explicit. Especially prepared for Bible Class use. Scofield Bible Study Leaflets Dr. C. I. Scofield Book No. 1 containing the 54 lessons of Series 1 and 2, covering all the great fundamental doctrines of Scripture, 35c. Book No. 3 containing 27 lessons on the great pivotal chapters of the Old Testament, 25c.
Classes in soul winning methods should have the teacher equipped with this book and should put into the hands of each member the same author’s smaller paper covered book on the same subject, “ How to Bring Men to Christ.” Paper cover, 25c. Rightly Dividing the Word o f Truth Dr. C. I. Scofield 20c Provides a splendid short course in Bible study for classes of any age. The Gospel in Genesis The Gospel in Exodus Both By Eleanor Herr Boyd 35c Each These books are prepared especially for Bible Class use. Each lesson clearly taught, fully taught, correctly taught. Bible Lessons for Little Beginners Mrs. Margaret Haven Vol. 1—Covering the Old Testament Vol. 2—Covering the New Testament Each $1.00 Just the books that teachers of Be ginners, Primary and Junior Grades have been wanting. Lessons are easily taught —easily understood.
If books are to be sent by mail add 10% for postage. The Biola Book Room LosAngeles,Cal.
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