THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S 731 held in Chicago, composed of “ freakish theologians. ” Here are some of the names of those who were present, or who sent their papers: W. R. Nicholson, D. D., Bishop R. E. C., Philadelphia. Maurice Baldwin, D. D., Bishop of Huron, Ont.
Prof. D. C. Marquis, D. D., McCormick Theo. Seminary. Prof. W. G. Moorehead, U. P., Theo. Sem. Xenia, O. Prof. E. F. Stroeter, Wesleyan College, Mo. Rev. Nathaniel West, D. D., Presbyterian, St. Paul, Minn. Rey. Geo. Bishop, D. D., Dutch Reformed, Orange, N. J. Rev. E. P. Goodwin, D. D., Cong’l, Chicago. Rev. A. J. Gordon, D. D., Baptist, Boston. Rev. A. T. Pierson, D. D., Presbyterian. Rev. P. S. Henson, D. D., Baptist, Chicago. Rev. Henry M. Parsons, Presbyterian, Toronto. Prof. E. Godet, D. D., Neufchatel, Switzerland. Prof. Yolch, D. D., Univ. of Dorpat, Russia. Prof. Franz Delitzch, D. D., Univ. of Leipzig. Prof. A. Koch, D. D., Oldenburg, Saxony. Prof. A. R. Faussett, D. D., Canon of York, Eng. Rev. Andrew A. Bonar, D. D., Glasgow, Scotland. Rev. Archibald G. Brown, London, England. The themes considered were under the following heads:
The Near Coming of the Lord. Its Literal and Personal Character. The Development of the Anti-Christ. The First Resurrection. The Jews and Their Future. Predicted Judgments. The Millennium. The resolutions adopted were as follows: 1. We affirm our belief in the supreme and absolute authority of the writ ten Word of God on all questions of doctrine and duty. •2. The prophetic words of the Old Testament Scriptures, concerning the first coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, were literally fulfilled in His birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension; and so the prophetic words of both the Old and the New Testaments concerning His second coming will be literally fulfilled in His visible bodily return to this earth in like manner as He went up into Heaven; and this glorious epiphany of the great God, our Saviour Jesus Christ, is the blessed hope of the believer and of the Church during this entire dispensation, 3. This second coming of the Lord Jesus is everywhere in the Scriptures represented as imminent, and may occur at any moment; yet the precise day and hour thereof is unknown to man, and only known to God. 4. The Scriptures nowhere teach that the whole world will be converted to God, and that there will be a reign of universal righteousness and peace before the return of the blessed Lord; but that only at and by His coming in power and glory will the prophecies concerning the progress of evil and the development of Antichrist, the times of the Gentiles, and the ingathering of Israel, the resurrection of the dead in Christ, the transfiguration of His living saints, receive their ful fillment, and the period of millennial blessedness its inauguration. 5. The duty of the church during the absence of the Bridegroom is to watch and pray, to work and wait, to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature, and thus hasten the coming of the day of God; and to His last promise, “ surely I come quickly” to respond in joyous hope, “ even so; come Lord Jesus.” 6. That the doctrine of our Lord’s premillennial advent, instead of paralyzing evangelistic and missionary effort, is one of the mightiest incentives to earnestness in preaching the Gospel to every creature, until He comes.” The Bible Conferences being held all over this country today, attended by thousands of Christian people, have programs of the same character. Men were stirred in those days as they are stirred in these days. Now, friend Eckman, go over these names carefully. They are but a few of the men like-minded in that day and their kind still exists, hundreds of them, just “ freakish, alleged premillenialists” !
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