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That there is a great menace in the modernism of today we believe no think ing man will doubt. No man is more conversant with what that menace is than Dr. Riley. No man knows better how to set forth the way to meet it. You will read this book with both pleasure and satisfaction. Why 1 Believe the Bible David James Burrell $ 1.00 A clear, straightforward, convincing statement by one of America’s foremost preachers as to why he is convinced that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Will not only help you in your own thinking but will surely have *a good effect on your friend The Skeptic. Why Is Christianity True E. Y. Mullins $1.50 Has this question ever come to you— Is Christianity, true? When men and women are asking such questions it is a. fine time to have such a book as this put into their hands—a book that will for all time settle for them that Christianity is indeed true.
The Higher Criticism and the New Theology Edited by Dr. R. A . Torrey Paper, 15c; Cloth, 75c
In this volume of 284 pages Dr. Torrey has gathered together fourteen articles written by the foremost Bible Teachers and Preachers of our day—articles which cover every phase of higher criticism and new theology and which show them up in their true light as utterly unscientific, unscriptural and unwholesome. This is a book that should be in the hands of every Christian worker in If books are to be sent by mail add 10% for postage. The Biola Book Room LosAngeles,Cal.
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