King's Business - 1920-08

SEVEN BEAUTIFUL SONGS for Church and Home, with music for the Piano. “ The Mountain Flower” , “ The Wonderful River*’, “ The Christian Banner**, “ His Lov­ ing Voice**, “ The Fading Flower**, “ The Rosebud You Gave Me** and “ The Flower Queen**. Standard sheet music size, ordi­ nary voice. All seven for $1.00 postpaid. Order from OTTO LUNDELL, Room 323, 155 N. Clark St., Chicago, 111. Manufacturers and Exporters of General Merchandise Have catered to the requirements of Missionaries in all parts of tho world, for over 25 years. . YOU ARE INVITED To write for a copy of our largo Catalog of General Merchandise and our special MISSIONARY CIRCULAR WE GUARANTEE SAFE DELIVERY ANYWHERE MONTGOMERY WARD * COMPANY 1 Missionary Bureau = Chicago, 111. SACRED SOLO “ LO. I AM WITH YOU ALWAY.” The beautiful art cover page of the CHRISTIAN HERALD of March 31. 1915. reproduced from duplicate plates by special permission of the Christian Herald, Marsaret X. Sangster, Jr., who wrote the words, and Remington, Schuyler, the painter. The music is by Charles H. Marsh. Written for high and low voices, and printed in both settings on eight pages large size music sheet. Beautiful 1 Price. 60 Cents Send for two copies For sale at Music Stores and Denominational Pub­ lishing Houses. Mailed direct by the publisher at price quoted. „ , W. ELMER BAILEY. Publisher Station E Columbus. Ohio iiiimininiiifniiiiiiHiiimiiiiuiunuiiniiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiniiuntiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiimiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiumniiiiufl piiiiiHiiiHiiiiiiiniiiniiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHHiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHii^ | GREATER NORTHFIELD | 1 Reports of the famous Northfield 1 | Conference addresses are contained | Ü every month in the official magazine. | j RECORD of CHRISTIAN WORK % | World-wide “ Religious Thought ! j and Activity,“ “ Illustrative Hints 1 I and Helps,“ and other departments. g ¡j $2.00 a year, postage extra to Can- §j g ada 25 cents; foreign 50 cents. Trial § 1 Subscription, four months for 50 ¡f = cents. Address : | Box 574, East Northfield, Mass. j | MONTGOMERY,WARDANDCOMPANY (


I Walter E. vom Bruck | Gospel Cornet Soloist INSTRUCTION ON I CORNET, BARITONE, TROMBONE Studio hours, Afternoons Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. I Phone 21214 | TEACHING STUDIO I Progressive School o f Music | g 1348 S. Figueroa St. Los Angeles, Cal. g iiiiiiiiiiHuiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiniiiHniiiiHnininiiiiniiiiitimiiiiiHiinniiiiiiiitnNii^ DEEPER EXPERIENCES OF FAMOUS CHRISTIANS By J. Gilchrist Lawson § GLAD TIDINGS PUBLISHING CO. Chicago, 111. Advertise Religion On Bill Boards O . ‘.‘T£e Word of God is the Sword of the bPlnt: a,n


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