
feral/stray cat overpopulation, many

“The greatness of a nation and its moral

communities in North America have


adopted TSR method.

are treated.”

After they have been released back into


their colonies, colony caregivers provide

is often cited by the Friends of Feral Cats in


Hawkesbury. You could also say that a

their numbers and health.

society is judged by the way it treats its

“Do the tomcat prowl when the sun goes

elderly, children and impoverished. But we

down.” That is from theDoug and The Slugs

can only handle one issue at a time and we

are talking animals here. If you follow this

song, “Tomcat Prowl.”

thread, the mention of Gandhi leads to


Gandhi and claws

images of India, a country where cows are

While we think that with a lot of love and a

sacred and rats are venerated.

few cans of tuna we can tame any animal,


volunteers are also working to change a bad

Meanwhile, back in our world, try to get

some cats are simply born to be wild. The

the logic behind its trap-sterilize-release

attitude, which sadly seems to be pervasive

your head around the concept of 11 million

true feral cats have never had any human

system.When it comes to cat crowd control,

among certain elements of the population.

cats, or 11,606,777 felines to be exact. That is

contact and cannot be tamed. They are best

there is no quick or easy fix.

People have to take responsibility for their

the figure the Friends of Feral Cats uses to

left alone to live out their natural life in the

Studies have shown that controlling

animals, by ensuring that they are sterilized

underline the importance of keeping the cat

colony that they are accustomed to.


and well cared for.




“Don’t get upset. It is just an animal.”

bunnies. One unspayed female cat,


When feral/stray cats are removed from

That kind of remark can make an animal

Sure, animal welfare is just one way we

producing six kittens, threemales and three

their colonies and euthanized, those left

person go wild. Anyone who thinks that an


can judge our society. It would be naive to

behind become more fertile and reproduce


believe that, because so many of us love

seven years. The FOFC refers to a cat


Sadly, some pet owners believe that is all

“pyramid,” showing that in nine years, this

animals,wecanbesatisfiedwithour “moral

Removal programs must therefore be

right to simply drop off an animal in the

progress.” But who among us can dispute




There is no telling how many stray cats

the words of Gandhi?

that have been dumped by sickos who leave

there are wandering around Hawkesbury.

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pets in the middle of nowhere to fend for

But we know that there are fewer felines

themselves. Many of these poor creatures

than there were in 2009. That was when the

« Je suis maintenant une femme sans peur qui a confiance en soi! »

cannot survive on their own. They die slow,

FOFCwas formed. At the time, the stray cat

painful deaths or become easy prey for

problem was deemed to be a “crisis.”

wildlife.Sadly, too many of us have

The group of cat-loving volunteers, with

encountered neglected and abused animals.






Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to

Nancy a perdu 191 livres et 179 pouces. et 22 tailles de vêtements*

understandably, more than a few horror

Animals, launched a trap-sterilization-

stories that can be shared. We will take the

release program.

case of “Bella,” a female short-hair


tortoiseshell, dropped off on the side of the

cats in 2009 and 2010 has meant that there

road. When she was rescued by the FOCF

are 500 fewer unwanted kittens in town.

Bella was covered in about 200 ticks. After

Plus, the town is quieter. And Hawkesbury

the ticks were removed, and Bella was

sure smells a lot better, too. Because of the

sterilized and vaccinated, it was discovered

reduced numbers, there is less fighting,

that the cat had been horribly abused. Some


jerk had brutally beaten the creature. But to

there is a happy ending. The FOFC reports:

learn more about the group and how you

DE VRAIS ALIMENTS CONSEILLERS PERSONNELS PRODUITS NATURELS Un système bien pensé pour une perte de poids qui dure :

“She was later adopted by someone willing

can help.

to love and care for her regardless of her

“MayGod protectMan fromhimself and

condition and is now living in the comfort of

animals from Man.”

250, rue Main Est, Hawkesbury, ON Tél. : 613 632-9282 • Télec. : 613 632-0791

a loving home where she is loved and cared

That is another line used by the FOFC.

for and now sleeps on the pillow next to her

The small group does a lot of hands-on

new owner every night. Her scars she will

work, trapping wild cats, replenishing

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have forever, but she will never have to

feeding stations, schlepping the animals to

worry about being abused ever again.”

and from veterinarians’ offices. But the

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