Oracle 4 2017

COMMUNICATIONS MMI The Communications Committee is responsible for ensuring that internal and external communication is accurate and readily available to owners, renters and guests. The Committee serves as an advisory Committee to the Board of Directors. This past season the focus has been on the internal communication and identifying ways to communicate effectively. We have worked with The Board and staff to ensure that information is timely and accurate. We also formalized the relationship with the ORACLE and the Marketing Committee. At this point we are looking at our role with the Emergency Preparedness Committee. There are three main events we are responsible for: the Candidate’s Forum, the New Owners Reception and the Picnic in the Neighborhood. These are excellent ways to build relationships within the ORPS Community. A focus for each of these events has been to formalize the processes, as well as evaluate what works and what does not so we can ensure their future success. We are also looking at The New Owners Packages and assessing what works and what does not. Are New Owners getting the information they need and in a timely manner? This is a summer project for the Executive and any interested committee members. Another summer project is The Resource Guide, which was last updated in 2014. As well, we continue to work with the Marketing Committee on content for the new website. Some lines of communication are still blurry so we are working with The Board of Directors and General Manager to ensure that messages are consistent and delivered in multiple ways. It is key to reaching our many audiences, while we acknowledge that external communication is just as important. Our committee of over 20 hard-working men and women have done a phenomenal job of listening and learning. One goal was for a committee member to attend each of the other 12 committee meetings and report back to our committee. This has served as a way for committee members to become informed and thus able to pass accurate information along to those in their phase. We have also focused on open communication between committee members. This past year has been one of growing, assessing processes and looking to the future. We updated our Committee Charter and continue to look for ways to better advise the Board on effective ways to communicate. Continued on the next column .

Any time one incorporates change, staff is impacted. I would like to thank Clint, Susan, Jennifer and Gary who have been amazingly flexible and always ready to assist. Also to Dede and Mary Ellen, our Board Liaisons, for all their support and to president, Brian Canfield, who listens, gives thoughtful opinions and support whenever asked. We are blessed to have this team of professionals to work with. Joan Craven ..Lot 1109 Chair

The Board wants to thank all who sent in their ballots so that a quorum could be reached. The passing of the Restated CC&Rs and Bylaws brings work for the Board on changing the Rules & Regulations where necessary. This is required because the restatement removed some items so that they could be addressed more efficiently in the Rules & Regulations. A working session of the Board took place this month to address the Rules & Regulations. Another working session will be scheduled for next month. All owners are welcome to attend. Once the Rules & Regulations are crafted, they will be presented in a Board Meeting this fall and, if passed by the Board, will be posted for 30 days for owners’ comments before a decision is made to adopt them. We welcome a new Board member, Jim Waller, and a returning Board member, Dede Loop. Both bring experience and knowledge to our Board During the off season the Board will communicate via teleconference and we urge you to tune in or listen to the recorded meetings after the fact. Dial-in information will be indicated on the top of the Board Meeting Agenda. Without all of the volunteers and committees, this would not be the Resort it is, so THANK YOU all for volunteering. That is not to say that we don’t need more volunteers; there is always room for more. Next year there will be three Board vacancies. It is important to start thinking about who would be a good Board candidate so that in the fall these names can be submitted. Please contact Maryellen Muir, Nomination Committee Chair if you have any questions or would like to consider running for the Board. Have a wonderful summer and come back safely. Dede Loop Board Secretary

BOARD OFFICE HOURS Monday thru Friday 9AM to 3PM assist owners with Board issues


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