Your Special Day in the Vale of Glamorgan


Cinnamon Pig

Cinnamon Pig

At Cinnamon Pig, their passion is wedding and event planning and styling bringing the day you dreamed of to life. They create a truly bespoke service, working with their couples every step of the way making sure every detail is as unique as they are. Launched in 2019, their warm and friendly team has helped so many couples achieve their perfect wedding and are proud of the uniquely individual and thoughtful service they provide. Specialising in rustic, boho and vintage styling they can take you through from concept to creation. So whether you are starting from scratch or have a complete concept in mind, get in touch to see how they can help you every step of the way.

Yn Cinnamon Pig, maen nhw’n angerddol am gynllunio a steilio priodasau a digwyddiadau, gan wireddu diwrnod eich breuddwydion. Maen nhw’n creu gwasanaeth gwirioneddol bwrpasol, gan weithio gyda’u cyplau bob cam o’r ffordd i sicrhau bod pob manylyn mor unigryw ag y maen nhw. Wedi’u lansio yn 2019, mae eu tîm cynnes a chyfeillgar wedi helpu cymaint o gyplau i greu eu priodas berffaith ac maent yn falch o’r gwasanaeth personoledig a meddylgar unigryw y maent yn ei gynnig. Gan arbenigo mewn steilio gwladaidd, boho a chlasurol, gallant eich tywys drwy bob cam, o’r cysyniad i’r greadigaeth. Felly, p’un a oes gennych lechen lân neu gysyniad cyflawn, cysylltwch i weld sut y gallant eich helpu bob cam o’r ffordd. Ffôn: 07572 284565 E-bost: Gwefan: IG: @cinnamonpigstyling

Tel: 07572 284565 Email: Web: IG: @cinnamonpigstyling

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