King's Business - 1938-08


October, 1938

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

erty nor riches; feed me with food con­ venient for me. Lest I be full and deny thee and say, W ho is the Lord? Or lest I be poor and steal and take the name of my God in vain.” W e are not glorifying pov­ erty, for it is easy here to fall into the Colossian error of a false mysticism, asceti­ cism, and neglecting of the body. It has been said: "Humility does not consist in thinking meanly of ourselves; it consists in not thinking of ourselves at all.” “Having food and raiment, let us be therewith con­ tent” (1 Tim. 6 :8 ). “No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath cho­ sen him to be a soldier” (2 Tim. 2 :4 ). “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world” (1 John 2 :1 5 ). There are too many de luxe Christians who adopt a manner of living that poorly befits the way of the cross. The reason for such self-denial is given: “For the fashion of this world passeth away” (1 Cor. 7:3 1 ). The “scheme” of things, the present set-up, is fast passing.

R ED E EM IN G T H E T IM E [Continued from p age 326]

Not “may pass away” or “will pass away” but "passeth away”—it is passing away right now! “The world passeth away and the lust thereof” (1 John 2 :1 7 ). Permanent as it may seem, the whole build-up of this present age is crumbling before our eyes. The Need for Earnestness Seeing, then, that the time is short and that the fashion of this world is passing away, it is high time that we Christians learned that we simply cannot live like this world. I recall hearing a young missionary relate that during her days as a student nurse, a young doctor asked her whether she really believed that all men without Christ are eternally lost. When she an­ swered that she did, he looked at her very intently and replied, “W ell, if you really believe that, then you cannot live like the rest of us!” Indeed, we cannot! Life is too short and souls are too pre­ cious and eternity is too long and]the gospel too wonderful for us to "take it easy.” Living in perilous times, in a crumbling civilization, with men’s hearts failing them for fear, if ever God’s people ought to live as “fools for Christ’s sake,” beside them­ selves, drunk on "new wine,” as a peculiar people whose citizenship is in heaven, surely it is now! Let us therefore be sober, for the time is short and the fashion of this world is passing away! Helps fo r Young People Response from widely scattered fields has greeted the announcement, made in the September K ing ’ s B usiness , to the effect that printed copies of the Euodia lessons covering the four Gospels are now pro­ curable. On account of the nominal price charged for the lessons (25 cents), it is necessary that five cents be added for post­ age, and that the amount be sent in coin, not stamps. Address: Euodia Club, Box 726, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. Fredrik Franson, founder of the Scan­ dinavian Alliance Mission, stands forth in this biography as a man of great faith and much prayer. The scope of the ministry in which the Lord used him— touching six great mission fields—is little known to many Christian groups, but its contemplation can­ not help but bring spiritual stimulation. 240 pages. Christian Service Press, Moline, 111. Cloth. Price $1.10 postpaid. Anniversary Meeting From October 27 to 30, “A Home of Onesiphorus Double Anniversary Conven­ tion” will be held in the Moody Memorial Church, Chicago. This occasion commemo­ rates the twenty-second anniversary of the Home of Onesiphorus in China and the tenth anniversary of the American Office in Chicago. Among the speakers Will be Paul W . Rood, J. Oliver Buswell, and Samuel Fulton. For further information address Home of Onesiphorus, 2811 North Racine Ave., Chicago, 111. A Burning and Shining Light B y O. C. G rauer

us. Many are kept away from the Great Supper because of land and oxen. In the last days It shall be as in the days of Lot: “They did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded” (Lk. 17:28). All of this activity may not have been wrong in its place, but it was their life and it must not be ours. This is no time for believers to hang up their stockings for the Santa Claus of this age to fill. It is no time for us to feather our nest with earthly comforts. They that "use” this world are not to abuse it. It is the world-system that is in mind, the present set-up which is so unmis­ takably under the prince of darkness. T o be sure in order to do our work we must have cars, clothes, money; we are not to hide in a cave (cf. 1 Cor. 5 :1 0 ). But these things are but a means to an end, and the traveler must not become absorbed in his baggage. Said one: “Give me neither pov­

FACTS of the FAITH by- CARLC HARWOOD •and- Copyright 1938 - Cad C. Harwood JOHNA. DRAWZ Prophetic • Scientific • Historical • tMusical

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Christ preached SG recorded sermons and u sed *19 illustrations and parables.His messages covered M6 subjects. a list will be sent to anyone fending cl selt-addnessed, stam ped, envelope to'FMAS0/^ eFMTff"edttor,% %mmlsstSo-Hope-losJlngeles

The authors ol "Facts of the Faith" gladly take responsibility for the accuracy of their statements. Comments or inquiries concerning the drawings will be passed on to them.

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