King's Business - 1938-08


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

October, 1938

Dr. Pace Tracts Unique, Scriptural and arresting Tracts with CA R TO O N by D r. E. J. Pace. Many subjects treated, including Salvation, Missions, Bible, Giving, Prophecy, Sab­ bath, Habit, Jewish Q u e stio n , Crime, T em p e ra n c e , E v o lu tio n , etc., etc. Each tract has also a message by Dr. Ironside, Dr. Biederwolf, Dr. Pace, Dr. A. I. Brown, Dr. Newell, Dr. Dunham, Dr. Trumbull, or some other able writer. Many new tracts. Send 25c for sample Packet , or . . • $2.50 for 1000 o f choice assortment GOSPEL TRUTH POSTER SERVICE Findlay, Ohio R E A L E S T A T E Property Management, Insurance Money to Loan See with Confidence j. G. VOGET Licensed Broker 5603 North Figueroa Street • Los Angeles, Calif. Phone: CL-66754

NO TES on Christian Endeavor

By M A R Y G. G O O D N E R

wills to give. “Not my will, but thine be done” is the only attitude which can arrest the conflicts on the battlefields of a single heart or of the world. "Peace, perfect peace? In this dark world of sin? The blood of Jesus whispers peace within.”

NOVEM BER 6, 1938 FO R C E S T H A T M AK E F O R W A R J ames 4:1-11 Meditation on the Lesson

"From whence come wars and fightings among you?” The question which James asked hundreds of years ago is timely to­ day. W hy is it that throughout human his­ tory since man’s fall there have been con­ troversy and bloodshed upon the earth? There is one basic explanation which be­ gins with the unit where trouble begins— the individual: the same explanation applies to national combat. James answers his ques­ tion by a counter question: "Come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?" Inordinate desire for something that cannot rightfully be obtained always leads to a greedy, grasping motive for ful­ filling that desire regardless of the feelings of others. However, there is a reason more funda­ mental to the problem than is lust. What is the root of lust? This root is at the bottom of all sin, and it may be summed up in one word— selfishness. The setting up of one’s will against God’s will is the supreme mani­ festation of selfishness, and in turn this selfishness is revealed in the relation of men to men. Defiance of God in the human heart has resulted in breaking all of His laws and commandments governing the conduct of His creatures. In verse 2, James continues his logical explanation by saying: "Y e lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not.” The desire for material gain becomes so intense in the soul that murder results. Our newspapers are composed largely of concrete evidence of the truth of James’ in­ spired statement. The pages of history are saturated with the blood of human beings which has been shed in organized murder, known as war. The slogan which rang through the camps and among civilians dur­ ing the last great war was worded thus: "The war to end war.” Two decades of successive history have proved that hatred and murder cannot with such facility be erased from the human consciousness; im­ bedded lust and greed are eating at the vitals of life in every nation of the world today. Increasing numbers of authorities agree that the stage is set for the greatest conflagration of all time. T o approach the war problem in a broad, visionary fashion is a complete reversal of the correct attack. James declares that the trouble is with the individual; the solution must be directed to the same point of con­ flict. There is only one known cure for the self-complex, and that cure is a Person—the Lord Jesus Christ. When He is reigning as Saviour and Master of the life, He supplies the desires of the heart and life, and there is no need of force to obtain whatever He

Helps for the Leader I. "W hence C ome W ars ?”

A few years ago there were upward of twenty-two thousand applicants for a hun- dred-thousand-dollar prize offered by Ed­ ward Bok for a peace plan. And the real peace plan was already in existence. It contains just six words: "Make disciples of all the nations” (Matt. 28:19, R. V .). —H eart and L ife Bulletin. II. W hen W ill P eace C ome ? There can be no peace in this age of blood­ shed. O f strife and hatred and deep distrust: The bow and the spear shall not be broken, The sword in the scabbard shall never nist. Though kings take counsel and statesmen promise, Though people with people a pact shall make; They can sign no truce they will not sunder And swear no oath they will not break. There can be no peace till the King of Glory Comes down to earth from the heavens above; T o rule the world with a rod of iron, T o judge in justice, to reign in love. Till the throne of David is set in Zion, And all the kingdoms of earth are one— No peace till His righteousness shall flour­ ish, No peace till the will of God is done. —A nnie J ohnson F lint . III. "F alsehood in W ar -T ime ” One of the most tragic features of mod­ ern war is the deliberate inflaming of hatred among not only soldiers but also whole civilian populations. If possible, bring to the Christian Endeavor meeting a few in­ stances of this practice. Such books as Arthur Posonby’s F alseh ood in War- Time, carefully showing sources of the au­ thor’s information, reveal the propaganda use of mistranslations, partial and incorrect quotations from enemy leaders, outright lies, and atrocity stories later proved unfounded. When the "morale” of a nation can be kept up only by deceit that stirs bitter hate, what is the Christian to do with the state­ ment from God’s Holy Word: "Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer”? —S elected .

the wav of LlF£

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