King's Business - 1938-08


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

October, 1938

NOVEM BER 13, 1938 H O W Y O U N G P EO P L E CAN H E L P B U IL D A W A R L E S S W O R LD M icah 4:2; R omans 12:17-21 Meditation on the Lesson In order to perceive what God has or­ dained should be accomplished at any given time, it is imperative that we understand, in a general way, His plan for all the ages. Micah 4:2 is a word of prophecy and refers to a future time when the present order of affairs shall be changed greatly. It speaks of a time when the Prince of Peace, the Lord Jesus Christ, shall be reigning upon the earth, having cast out the present usur­ per and god of this world-system, Satan. Not yet has the Lord Jesus Christ been recognized by all nations as the one right­ ful Ruler, but the day of that acknowledg­ ment surely will dawn. At that time “many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths.” Nations today are not saying that. They are walking in the opposite direction. The greatest service that young people now can render is to point men of all nations to that future mountain of the Lord which shall be the seat of ordered peace upon the earth. When the Lord Jesus shall have set up His righteous kingdom on the earth, then the next prophecy of Micah shall be ful­ filled: “And he shall Judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plow­ shares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against na­ tion, neither shall they learn war any more” (Micah 4 :3 ). Much disillusionment and discouragement among pacifists comes about today because this verse of Scripture is wrested from its proper context. While the present order continues, instruments of war will not be converted into implements of peace; a cataclysmic change first must be effected. The new era in which peace reigns will be ushered in by the triumphal march of the King Himself. His subjects will not war among themselves. Those who love Him will obey His desires gladly, and even those who do not submit themselves willingly will be required to obey His com­ mands during the thousand years of peace. Our task in paving the way for the warless world is that of informing men and women of the peace which has been made through the blood of Jesus Christ, whereby we may be cleansed and reconciled to a righteous God. High standards are set for the children of God in the Epistle to the Romans. W e are enjoined to do things which are not pos­ sible on a natural plane. W e must have the power of God to “recompense to no man evil for evil.” It is natural to retaliate. Christians should exemplify the life in Christ by returning good for evil, instead of standing up for their own rights. It is unnecessary for us to contend for ourselves, for we have a strong Champion who has pledged His fidelity to our cause. He has said: "Vengeance is mine; I will repay.” Let our "striving,” then, be only to publish abroad the glad tidings of His salvation and His return to rule in righteousness!

Helps for the Leader I. A C ontrast

SELL CHR ISTMAS CARDS & PERSONAL S TA TIONER Y ; Startnow! Make up to $250before Christmas. , i No experience needed. Show season's newest designs in Personal Christmas Cards and Sta­ tionery with customers* names inscribed. Sea­ son’s style leaders. Lowest prices and biggest values on markét. Easy to take orders from friends and others. Large commissions paid daMy. Also sell 1938 Leader 21-Card Box Assortment. Finest on market. Retails $1. Your profit 60c. 6 other new assortments —Religious, Etchings, Humorous, etc. Sell 00c up. Write today for Free Samples. WALLACE BROWN, Inc. 225 Fifth Ave., Dept.54-D, NewYork, N.Y. YOU ARE INV ITED to ppen Your Savings Account with EQ U IT A B L E P L A N C O M P A N Y “A Savings Institution” NOT a Building-Loan Association 5% Per Annum Interest C. O. ANDERSON, Mgr. Suite 302. Financial Center Bldg. Phone VA-3935 • Los Angeles • 704 S. Spring C o m mun ion C u p s C H R I S T I A N G R E E T IN G C A R D S For Sale or for Personal Use CHRISTMAS GREETINGS—New, At­ tractive, with worthwhile sentiments, many with Bible Texts,—in great va­ riety of artistic settings,—the type of Greeting Christian people are looking for. E V E R Y DAY Greetings,—comforting encouraging messages of cheer to the sick and sorrowing. Birthday, etc.—many with Bible Texts. Cards that are different—not found in stores—Boxed and Unboxed—good profit, no investment necessary. Write early for free Catalog and attractive Sale Plans. PEASE GREETING CARDS, INC. 264 Laurel Street * Dept. K * Buffalo, N. Y. EXTRA MONEY EASILY EARNED FREE BOOK For a limited time, every new subscriber to PROPHECY MONTHLY who sends this ad with #1 yearly subscription price, will receive absolutely free a copy of Dr. L. S. Bauman’s newest and most amazing book, “TIM E OF JACOB’S TROUBLE AT HAND!” You have never read anything like this! Its contents are simply dumbfounding—yet here is prophecy being fulfilled. You should never miss a copy of PROPHECY MONTHLY, edited by Keith L. Brooks. Current issue 10c; 4 mo. special trial 25c; Yearly $1.00. . . . Official Organ of the . . . American Prophetic League, Inc. Box BB, Sta. E.R., Los Angeles, Calif. Send for Folder and SPECIAL I OFFER at low prices. Glasses$1.00 I [Dozen. Tray and 86glasses$6.50up. Beautiful CHROMIUM-PLATED. . Aluminum, Wood and Silver-plhted I Services,Collection&BreadPlates,,Pastor^ SickOutfits,@8®, Thomas Communion Service, Box 1214, Lima, O.

When British soldiers, armed with the Martini-Henry rifle, went to fight the Zulus in 1879, Punch had a paragraph to this ef­ fect: "Britain's messengers to the heathen— 1809, Henry Martyn; 1879, Martini- Henry.”— From T orch-B earers o f the Faith, by Alexander Smellie. II. C an I t B e D one ? The prominence of the word "less” dur­ ing the past years is interesting. There are smokeless powders, iceless refrigerators, fireless cookers, wireless telephony and telegraphy, hammerless guns, skidless tires, drugless methods of healing. In religious things we have a bloodless gospel, a Spir­ itless ministry, and a powerless church. And now a peaceless world tries to produce a warless world .—Our H ope. III. "A venge N ot Y ourselves ” Let us look at the example of Christ. See how He bore with the ignorance, the preju­ dices, the mistakes, the sinfulness of His dis­ ciples . . . . He pitied their Ignorance, and forgave their transgressions. He com­ mended where He could, and covered over by His loving forbearance where He could not commend. He came to seek and to save that which was lost, and to accomplish this purpose, He was willing to allow His own rights to go unvindicated in the eyes of men. If the Lord Jesus Christ, who was per­ fect in purity, acted always in consideration of others, will you not try to do the same? —S elected . Inwrought grace In the heart naturally expresses itself in graciousness in life and speech. Christians, above all other classes of people, should be most gracious, for they have One dwelling in their hearts who is the embodiment of grace itself. It is futile for us to endeavor, objectively, to imitate the good deeds of the Lord Jesus, for it is not within our human power voluntarily to produce good works. The Holy Spirit with­ in is the only means of our living as would resemble and please the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the dynamic of life; when our wills are yielded to Him, it is He who works in us "both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” James is a most practical teacher. W ith searching directness, he says: "W ho is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? let him show out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom" (3 :1 3 ). In beautiful phraseology the inspired apostle is saying that actions are more significant than words. “But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be en­ treated, full of mercy and good fruits, with­ out partiality, and without hypocrisy” (v. 17). O f how many Christians whom you know can that be said truthfully? There is no reason that we should not be character­ ized by those desirable qualities, for the Lord is pleased when we faithfully repre- NOV EM BER 20, 1938 G R A C IO U S L IV IN G J ames 3:13-18 Meditation on the Lesson

W H I T E P I P E - T O N E F O L D I N G O R G A N S In use all over the world for more than 35 years. Noted for durability, convenience, volume of tone and beautiful Pipe-Like Quality. Tropically treated. Free catalog. A. L. WHITE MFG. CO. Dept. K, 215 Englewood Ave. CHICAGO, ILL.

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