King's Business - 1938-08


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

October, 1938

mandments which God had given to Moses many years before. Jesus said: "Y e have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment: But I say unto you. That whosover is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment’’ (Matt. 5:21, 22). Jesus knew that men kill each other be­ cause they become angry; so He was tell­ ing people not to be angry. Jesus wanted to show His disciples that being just a lit­ tle angry and being very angry, angry enough to kill, were both the same bad sin. And what He told His disciples, He meant for us to remember today. Being angry is breaking the sixth commandment because being angry is part of the same sin that makes people kill each other. Jesus went on to say that any one who is bringing his gift to the church and re­ members that he has had a quarrel with some one, should leave the gift and go make it right with that person before offer­ ing the gift to God. Have you ever said that you were sorry for being angry and yet inside you were still feeling mean and angry and unforgiving? Perhaps no one knew how you were feeling inside, but God knows and is not pleased. W e are dis­ obeying His commandments when our thoughts are wrong. W e should ask Him to make us loving in our very thoughts.

mm. mm


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“DEVOTION AND PRAISE” for school or church—a smaller book containing a superb collection of gospel songs and hymns. 312 musical numbers—23 responsive readings. Ideal for junior and youth groups in the church school. Completely orchestrated. Bound in waterproof blue cloth, reinforced for hard usage. Single copies, cloth 55c; bristol 40c. Per hundred, not prepaid, cloth $40.00; bristol $25.00.

■ M Write for our FREE Music Catalog containing material to meet your every musical requirement . L illenas publishing company 2 9 2 3 TROOST AVENUE "The Best in Gospel Music" Dept. K.B. KANSAS CITY, MO. WINSOULSWITHTRACTS MESSAGES OF SAVING GRACE Golden Text Illustration E xodus 20:13; 1 J ohn 3:15

Vendor of alcohol, go home, and write upon every vessel containing this substance, “Thou shalt not kill”; and may the finger of God write on your heart, “No murderer hath eternal life abiding in him” (1 John 3: 15)! The taste of many poisons, but not of all, is unpleasant. Anhydrous alcohol (alcohol so highly rectified as to be almost free from water) Is so acrid and pungent as not to be drinkable; and articles of any perceptible alcoholic strength are disagree­ able to the unvitiated palate. Intoxicating liquors, however, are often so elaborated as to suggest no danger even while exceeding­ ly injurious. An eminent writer says of some highly prized wines, "They fall like snow on the palate, but bum like fire in the veins.” When the sentinels of nature are deceived, the danger is all the greater. —C yclopedia o f Religious Anecdotes. How to Keep My Temper E xodus 20:13; M a tth ew 5:21-26 M em ory V erse: "Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry” (Eccl. 7 :9 ). A pproach: Last week we had the com­ mandment which tells about honoring our father and mother. Today our command­ ment is, "Thou shalt not kill.” Now per­

Lost souls, that will soon; pass on to eternity. Now is your opportunity. Send 25c for your Sample Package at once. FAITH, PRAYER and TRACT LEAGU E Dept. KB, Muskegon Heights, Mich.

Have you placed your order for . . . LESSON HELPS for 1939? If not, write for sample copy of PELL’S NOTES and special offer which you cannot afford to m iss. * ROBERT HARDING COMPANY, Inc. Box 548 Richmond, Va. M A N U S C R I P T S New York book publisher respectfully so­ licits worth while manuscripts for publication. FO R T U N Y 'S , Publishers 67 W e st 44th St. New York, N.Y. Wanted:

Object Lesson Two S a u ls and T w o S words

O bjects: Two swords cut from card­ board. (One should be covered with silver paper, and the other with black paper. On one side of the black sword put a few drops of red ink. On the side of the silver sword put a red cross.) Lesson : Did you boys and girls ever see a sword? The ones I brought with me this morning are only Imitations, but they re­ mind us of real ones. One is black and the other is silver colored. They represent two men in the Bible who had the same name. One is mentioned in the Old Testa­ ment and the other in the New Testament. Can you guess their name? "Saul.” You are right. Saul was the first king of Israel, and hundreds of years later Saul was the name of the man in the New Testa­ ment who persecuted the church. This sec-

haps you w o n d e r what that command has to do with you. Jesus tells us more about what this com­ mandment means. Lesson Story: In the New Testament the Lord Jesus had many things to say to His d is c ip le s a b o u t these com­

Be s t Wi s h e s FROM W . A. BROW N

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