King's Business - 1938-08


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Octobèr, 1938

SILENT ADVISER GIVEN W ITH ONE YEAR ’S SUBSCRIPTION TO "The King's Business" Plus Thirty Cents for Mailing

This new aid to more fruitful daily devotions insures blessings that are vital and perma-* nent.

Thousands seeking spiritual strength find joy and satisfaction, comfort and courage through regular daily use o f

Photograph of Scripture Portions, Tracts, and Containers Offered with KING’S BU SI­ NESS Subscription. ^ Note wire stretcher across top for hanging. (Size 13" x 15".) How to Distribute Tracts Effectively A P lan T h a t W ill G ive You the J o y o f D aily Witnessing fo r Christ TH E S IL E N T A D V ISER , a con­ venient receptacle for displaying Christian literature, can be hung on the wall of your office, store, Sunday- school room, or church. Or, by a little home missionary work, you can secure permission to place it in bus depots, railroad stations, stores, offices, boat landings, trolley stations—in fact, wherever the public is obliged to wait many idle minutes with unoccupied hands and minds. Housewives can easily hang this collection of tracts in the hall or at the kitchen door and hand a worth­ while message to the many daily callers who need the Word. CONTENTS OF SILENT ADV ISER (1) New Testament (2 ) Gospel of John (6) How I Study the Bible, by C. I. Scofield (3 ) Prayer, by George Muller (6 ) Turn the Key (Temperance appeal) (6) John 111:16 (Story of text) (6) Are You Saved— Yes or No? (6) Let the Fire Fall, by Paul W. Rood (6 ) Redney of Mulberry Bend, by H. B. Gibbud A total of forty-two pieces. One white duck SILEN T ADV ISER, filled with the above books and tracts, will be sent with TH E KING’S BU SIN ESS to any address in the U. S. for the total of $1.80; without the magazine, $1.05. Container only, 55 cents. In scarlet duck, SILEN T ADV ISER with magazine subscription costs $2.00; without magazine, $1.25; or container only, 75 cents. Canadian and foreign subscriptions, 25 cents extra. Address: THE KING’S BUSINESS

This guide to richer personal devotions is vest-pocket size, convenient to carry. Many slip it in their purse or pocket and read it on their way to work. Housewives keep it on a kitchen shelf for convenient daily attention. This spiritual and evangelistic quarterly not only makes your personal life of prayer and meditation richer and fuller but also provides a practical guide for family devotions. The daily use of “The Quiet Hour” prepares both Sunday-school teachers and pupils spiritually for the lesson period the following Sunday.

O N E F U L L P A G E A D A Y An entire page is devoted to each day’s material, which includes a selected Scripture verse, the Home Daily Bible Reading refer­ ence, a meditation, and a brief prayer. The meditations are Christ-centered in emphasis, inspirational in content, and truly spiritual in tone. Let coupon below bring you a free sample copy or a supply adequate for the needs of your family, Sunday school class, church group or entire congregation. D avid C. C ook P ublishing C o . 2I-P2 L IN C O L N S T R E E T E L G I N , I L L I N O I S nAViD C. COOK PUBLISHING CO., 2IP2 Lincoln Street, Elgin, III. Gentlemen: Please enter__________subscriptions for “ The Quiet Hour’’ for which I enclose $ ______________ □ Please send free sample copy of “ The Quiet Hour.“ Name________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________________________ __ City ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State ________________________ Church J^ame ________________________________________'______________________________ (Please attach list of names and addresses for gift subscriptions.) I I Pastors: Checkherefor particulars ofSpecial ConsignmentPlan.

Single Subscriptions Mailed to individual addresses, the regular price o f ‘‘The Quiet Hour” per year (4 issues) is only 25c. Club Subscriptions Five or more subscriptions mailed in single packet to one person, “ The Quiet Hour” is only 16c per subscription per year, 4c per quarter. NO TE: Church organizations using club plan find it helpful and advantageous to distribute to individuals at single copy rates. Gift Subscriptions Five or more subscriptions or" dered at one time and mailed to separate individual addresses, 20 c per subscription per year. O R D ER TODA Y Mail Coupon for FREE Sample

558 S. Hope Street Los Angeles, Calif.

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