King's Business - 1938-08


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

October, 1938

pretty good man. He probably knew lots of taxgatherers that were worse than he. But after he met Jesus, he began to see himself as a sinner, and before the day was over, he was confessing his sins to Jesus. He knew now that the way he had been taking money from people was stealing, just as surely as if he had broken into their houses. If we ask Jesus, He will show us our sins, too.

3. "I restore him fourfold" (Lk. 19:8). Zaccheus, although having joined that group of men who were despised by the Pharisees, was still a Jew at heart. And he knew the law, as is evident from his offer to restore the “fourfold.” In Exodus 22:1 it was specified that if a man stole a sheep, he must restore four sheep for the one stolen. And King David, indignant at the story of Nathan the prophet, demanded that the wrongdoer restore “the lamb four­ fold" (2 Sam. 12:6). Thus the fourfold restoration became traditional with the Jews. A boy was arrested in Buffalo recently for the theft of a bar of gold from a jewelry firm in New York. The gold was worth $1,200. When asked why he had stolen it, the boy said, “I was tired of working for almost nothing, and thought I would go out W est and lay the foundation of a fortune with this.” But what a foundation that would have been upon which to build! How many are trying to build on skimped work, on scant measure, on unpaid bills, on op­ pression of the poor, on robbing God! W e imagine we are “getting ahead" of some one else, when we are only getting behind our­ selves.— S elected . Golden Text Illustration E xodus 20:15 When Jesus Went to Zaccheus’ House E xodus 20:15: L u k e 19:1-10 M em ory V erse: “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Phil. 4 :1 3 ). A pproach: The commandment that we are going to talk about today is this: “Thou shalt not steal.” You may think that you are not the sort of person who would go city there lived a man named Zaccheus. Zaccheus was a taxgatberer. Now in our country a man who is a taxgatherer charges the people the amount of money that the law says, and he receives a certain amount of money each month for his salary. But in Jesus’ day, a taxgatherer asked as much as he could make the people pay. And in­ stead of getting a regular salary, he kept as much money as he dared. Division Now Zaccheus was such a man as this. But he had heard of Jesus, and when he knew that Jesus was passing through his city, he wanted to see Him. The crowd was very great and Zaccheus was a very short man. He had an idea. He climbed a tree in order to see Jesus. And Jesus, as He passed by, paused beneath the tree and told Zaccheus to come down, telling him that that day He, Jesus, would eat with him. What an honor this was for Zaccheus! He hurried down and took Jesus home with him. Before Jesus had come into his life, Zaccheus probably thought that he was a into some one else’s house and steal from that person. But this commandment has a meaning in it for us, too. L esson Story: One day, when the Lord Jesus was here upon earth, He was pass­ ing through the city of Jericho. In that

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Object Lesson B ill B o ttle

O bjects: A large vinegar bottle, a small vinegar bottle, a piece of sash cord about eighteen inches long, two balls whittled from corks about three-eighths of an inch in diameter, and a red cardboard cross about two feet high. ( Paint the large bottle sky blue, and the small one gray. Dye the sash cord black. Before the lesson, put one of the cork balls in each of the bottles.) Lesson: This bottle is so much like a boy, that I have named it "Bill.” You are won­ dering how this grey bottle can be like a boy. Well, it appears to be empty. Many a boy has an empty life, because Christ has not come into his heart. Then, too, this bot­ tle is like a boy because it has sin. W e will let this piece of black sash cord remind us of sin. Let's name the sin “stealing." The Bible says, "Thou shalt not steal” (Ex. 20:1 5 ), but Bill stole even though he was told not to. He had stolen so long that he could not stop. ( Place the sash cord in the bottle, and tilt the top down. The cork ball will roll into the neck of the bottle, and act as a wedge, preventing the cord from falling out. A slight pull will tighten the wedge.) I swing and swing the bottle, but the cord does not fall out. Isn’t it strange how it stays in? But it is no stranger than the way sin stays with people. There is just one way to be free from sin, and that is through Christ. W e will let this large blue bottle remind us of Him. It is blue because the Lord Jesus came down from heaven. The blue bottle comes to Bill and takes his sin. (After the black cord has been placed in the mouth of the blue bottle, tilt the mouth downward, causing the cork ball in the blue bottle to act as a wedge. A slight push on the other end of the cord will cause the cork in the other bottle to be released and to fall to the bot­ tom, allowing the cord to go with the blue bottle.) The Lord Jesus came to earth in order that He might take our sins on the cross. The blue bottle takes the black cord from Bill Bottle and places it on the red cross. (A slight push on the cord will release the cork wedge and will allow the cord to be coiled around the cross.) Bill Bottle is now happy because his sins, including stealing, are all on the cross of Christ

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