King's Business - 1938-08


October, 1938

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

"with him,” and therefore in tender love and infinite wisdom God withholds them. God can only keep from the objects of His love what would be hurtful to them, or would hinder their growth in faith and com­ munion with Himself; and though this is not always clear to us, let us seek so to learn the lesson of the cross that we may trust in Him at all times. In due time we shall . . . praise Him that He did not yield to our folly.— W . H. B en n et . "At midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto G od; and the prisoners heard them” (Acts 16:25). Sajmuel Rutherford, imprisoned at Aber­ deen! wrote a letter to a friend which he headed “The Palace of Jesus Christ,” and in wjiich he said: "M y Master doth give me great joy— good measure, pressed down, and running over.” Bunyan, telling how he was ¡taken back from the courthouse to his cell on Bedford Bridge, says: "I did sing as though joy did make me sing.” How true it is that: “Strong walls do not a prison make. Nor iron bars a cage”! — H en ry T h orne . Love that goes upward, from the heart of man to God, is adoration. Love that goes outward, from one heart to another, is af­ fection. Love that stoops is grace. God stooped to us. This is the most stupendous fact of the universe. It reveals to us that our God is love. You cannot find love in the forces of nature. . . . But God has demonstrated His love. When we were dead in trespasses and sins, He came; not grasping at the brightness of His glory, not shunning our lowly condition, but tak­ ing upon Himself the form of a servant, He was made in the likeness of men—and suf­ fered "even the death of the cross.” . . . Now I know that God is love. — D onald G rey B a rn h o u se . NOVEM BER 7 Trust “Comm it thy w ay unto the Lord; trust also in him" (Psa. 3 7 :5 ). NOVEM BER 6 Depth of Love “A nd being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and becam e obedient unto death, even the death o f the cross" (Phil. 2 :8 ). NOVEM BER 5 Praise Amid Persecution

D A I L Y Devotional Readings A M E S S A G E F O R EVERY D A Y O F TH E M O N T H

NOVEM BER 1 God’s Worker

eludes air from the tumbler when it is filled with water, just as light excludes the dark­ ness when the room is lighted, so the in­ dwelling of the Holy Ghost excludes the presence and power of sin. —P ow er from on High.

“S o shalt thou be called a repairer o f broken walls, a restorer o f paths leading home" (Isa. 58:12, Rotherham translation). Make me Thy laborer, Let me not dream of ever looking back, Let not my knees be feeble, hands be slack. O make me strong to labor, strong to bear. From the rising of the morning till the stars appear. Make me Thy warrior, On whom Thou canst depend to stand the brunt Of any perilous charge on any front. Give to me skill to handle sword and spear, From the rising of the morning till me stars appear. — A m y C a rm ichael .* NOVEM BER 2 The Spiritual Walk " W alk in the Spirit, and y e shall not ful­ fill the lust o f the flesh" (Gal. 5 :1 6 ). A single letter here sheds God’s own per­ fect light upon the exposition of this verse, and that is the capital " S ” with which we spell the word “Spirit.” It is the Holy Spirit that resists the flesh, and He alone can overcome it and exclude it; and as we "walk in the Spirit,” we shall not “fulfill the lust of the flesh. Here is God's great secret of holiness; not fighting sin, but be­ ing filled with God. . . . Just as water ex- *Frora Gold by Moonlight, published by London Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.

NOVEM BER 3 Living the Christ Life

“A s the living Father sent me, and l live becau se o f the Father; so he that eateth me, he also shall live becau se o f me" (John 6: 57, R .V .). There is here a secret and also a promise. The secret has to do with the inner life of Jesus; the promise has to do with the spirit­ ual life of the disciple. The secret tells us that the holy, the lovely, the world-trans- forming life that Jesus Christ lived upon the earth was not of Himself, but was from the Father. The prom ise tells us that if we adopt a relationship to Christ like that which existed between Him and His Fa­ ther, a wonderful thing will happen in us . . . W e shall not live like Him, but we shall truly live H is life. V^hat Paul said to the Galatian Christians will be true of us, "Christ liveth in me.”-—J. H. S trong .

NOVEM BER 4 Thanksgiving for Denials

“H e that spared not his own Son , . . . . how shall h e not with him also freely give us all things?" (Rom. 8:3 2 ). There are many things we might desire, which, if granted, would come between us and Christ; such things could not be given

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I think if thou couldst know, O soul, that will complain, W hat lies concealed below Our burden and our pain;

How just our anguish brings Nearer those longed-for things W e seek for now in vain— I think thou wouldst rejoice, and not com­ plain.

And yet thou canst not know, And yet thou canst not see; Wisdom and sight are slow In poor humanity;

If thou couldst trust, poor soul, In Him who rules the whole, Thou wouldst find peace and rest; Wisdom and right are well, but trust is best — A u th o r U nknow n .

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