King's Business - 1938-08

October, 1938

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S



no sin upon us, and so we enjoy pardon; when we cast all our care upon Christ, there is no care upon us, and so we enjoy peace.— S elected .

NOVEM BER 20 Hearing and Living

BY PAUL HUTCHENS When handsome young Dr. David Carmen came to the little town at the foot of the moun­ tains, unusual things began to happen. Pretty Marie Sherry11 could not understand why he took her to call on Hamill Greene, nor why the old man took a deep interest in her. She only knew that she loved the doctor and his Christ. Then Helene came, and ambitious Frank Weston determined to show Marie what she had lost. The tangled plot ends in a most satisfying way.

" Verity , verily, I say unto you. T he hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice o f the Son o f G od: and they that hear shall live" (John 5 :2 5 ). The life— the new life—that we now live, we live by faith in the Son of God, who loved us, and gave Himself for us. When Bunyan’s Christian came to the cross and his burden fell from his back, “then was Christian glad and lightsome, and said with a merry heart, He hath given me rest by His sorrow, and life by His death. Then he stood still a while to look and wonder; for it was very surprising to him that the sight of the cross should thus ease him of his burden.” too, should stand still and wonder as we gaze at the cross, and then at the empty tomb. Here is the source of our new life.— China's Millions. " T hy servants a re ready to do whatso - ev er my lord the king shall appoint" (2 Sam. 15:15). How often are we seeking for power and equipment that we may do our own work! W e have made up our minds what we are going to do. W e think we have certain natural gifts, and this is just the work that will suit us. It is so pleasant, so conven­ ient—now for power to enable us to do our work! But we have to do more than that. W e have to bring a blank sheet of paper to Him, that He may show us the work He would have us do.— E van H. H o pkin s . "I will com e again, and receive you unto m yself; that where I am, there y e m ay be also" (John 14:3). Though I know not the time or the season, Yet faith's beaming lamp I will trim. There is joy in the fond expectation O f patiently watching for Him. Reconciled by His blood and forgiven, I trust in His Spirit-breathed Word, I know my Beloved is coming— My Saviour, my God, and my Lord. Precious hope, how it comforts in sorrow! Blest hope, how it eases all pain! Precious hope, how it strengthens in trial! Blest hope, giving courage again. Precious hope, still the pilgrims sustaining! Blest hope of all solace the sum! I know my Beloved is coming; Lord Jesus, delay not, but come! — A nna H o ppe . "Put y e on the L ord Jesus Christ, an d m ake not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof” (Rom. 13: 14). In giving us His Son, the Father hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness; but that gracious provi­ sion avails us nothing until we claim and appropriate it by a living faith. The prom- NOVEM BER 21 Choosing the W ill of Another NOVEM BER 22 A Sustaining Hope NOVEM BER 23 Claiming our Inheritance

Impulsive Jim Bob Court- right is the main character of this book, but the whole story would never have happened without Arlowene Everley, the girl with the honey-colored hair — or without dark-eyed Vera Harper. Some readers will delight in this novel because of its charming story of young love. Others will like best its lively, suspense-filled p lo t. And others will find in it a tender and true picture of the young Christian's struggle over the old nature.

Paul Hutchens is the favo­ rite novelist of thousands of readers. This latest story has already been selected by two major book clubs. “ An excellent romance . . . exceedingly interesting reading."— Evangelical Messenger.

“ Clean as the wind blown through apple blossoms. W rit­ ten in the midst of a long and serious illness, it combines with a vivid and richly eventful story, a deep draught from the fountain of life."—Sun-Democrat.

Price $1. Price $1. Other titles by the same author are: “Romance of Fire” (now in its 12th edition); “This Way Out” ; “A Song Forever” ; “The Last First” ; “The Voice.” All priced at only one dollar each, postpaid, anywhere in the world.

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