King's Business - 1938-08


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

October, 1938

ises are all ours; but they are vain until we lay upon them the hand of appropriating proprietorship, and, as heirs, enter upon our inheritance. . . . W e first know by hearing what are our glorious privileges and rights. Then we reckon that the record is true. And, finally, we begin to use that which has been so freely given.— F . B. M eyer .

It has been said that “happiness in life consists in something to love, something to do, and something to hope for,” and the definition is a good one. If Christ is the One whom you love, and His service that which you do, and His approval and com­ pany forever that which you hope for, great happiness will be yours. Then, when the earth and all its works are burnt up, you will prove that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.—J. T . M aw son . NOVEM BER 28 God-Controlled Tongues “S p eak not evil one o f another, brethren” (Jas. 4 :1 1 ). Those who have the vulture nature of the old flesh, we expect to feed on carrion; but those who have the dove nature of the Spirit should only feed upon the grain of truth. . . . T o speak about any evil we see in others, is to show a want of love in our own hearts, for love covers a multitude of sins—not covers them that the doer may go on in them, like a pickpocket who stands in front of his accomplice while he rifles the pocket of an unwary pedestrian, but covers them in order that the wrongdoer may have an opportunity to do better. . . . One who is guilty of evil speaking ignores the dis­ tinct command of the Lord, not to speak evil one of another; yea, the command to "speak evil of no man.”—F. E . M a rsh . NOVEM BER 29 Only One Saviour “N either is there salvation in any other” (Acts 4 :1 2 ). The Bible presents a Saviour and Lord who is so perfect that He is beyond criti­ cism, and so winsome that He commands the deathless adoration and devotion of those who come to know Him as He is. Other sacred writings give no such presen­ tation as this. There are unusual charac­ ters in some of them, such as Zoroaster, Gautama, and Mohammed. But, strictly speaking, these are earthly and ignoble personalities and, at best, are confessed sinners, groping in darkness for a longed- for light which they themselves did not have. Thus, in no sense can these men be saviours of the lost, or trustworthy teach­ ers of a way of life and holiness. — H en ry W . F rost . “N o man can com e to me, except the F a ­ ther which hath sent me draw him” (John 6:4 4 ). It is of great consequence that the mind should be led to see that at the back of our turning, and believing, and accepting of Christ, there was God’s almighty power doing its work—inspiring our will, taking possession of us, and carrying out its own purpose of love in planting us into Christ Jesus. As the believer enters into this, the divine side of the work of salvation, he will learn to praise and to worship with new exultation, and to rejoice more than ever before in the divineness of that salva­ tion of which he has been made partaker. — A ndrew M urray . NOVEM BER 30 Divine at Its Source

_ y u t/ifb \ I M i l LINE

' Our 1938 De Luxe Line is a winner. The variety and appeal of our 14 different $1.00, 75c, and 50c assortments mean quick sales and increased profits for you. ^ 1 America’s Original Line of Scripture-Text Folders " The “Sunshine Line” has always been the leader in Scripture-text Greetings for Christmas and Everyday. Christ-honoring cards grow in favor Early repeat .orders indicate this will be a banner year for “Sunshine Line” representatives Most Complete Religious Line Our proposition also includes such popular items as “Bible Lovers” Stationery, Scripture Calen­ dars, Seals, and Tags. Highest commissions and Christmas bonus. We pay postage. Samples await your request. Early start most important. Write nearer office fo r details GDSPELTRUMPET CD. Sacramento,Cal. , ■ Anderson,Ind. G O S P E L S I N G E R S ! A NEW OFFER— SONGS OF GRACE No. 2 (A ll Different from No. I) Both No. I and No. 2 contain: New Solos, Duets, Trios, Quartets, Choruses, Choir and Congregational Songs. Price, 30c each. Postpaid. G O S P E L P I A N I S T S ! Two Sacred Piano Solos with Variations: “ T H E R E ’S A W ID EN ES S IN GOD ’S M ER C Y,” “ BLESSED B E T H E F O U N T A IN .” Price, 35e eaeh, Postpaid. Order from: GORDON E. HOOKER 558 So. Hope St. • Los Angeles, Calif. \ )

NOVEM BER 24 A Gracious Invitation "C om e unto me” (Matt. 11:28).

Care is the weed that chokes the growth of poor people, and money is the weed that chokes the growth of rich people. One is cumbered by the demands of routine, and another is oppressed by the demands of re­ sponsibility. And Christ gets almost no room in our hurrying history. There is a valley in Rumania from which the traveler emerges with all his clothes perfumed by the roses that make it fragrant. There is a mountain in Arabia from which Moses came with shining features because he had talked with God. There is a secret place where each of us must meet with Christ, alike for His sake and for our Own.—E . H. S. "N either shall thy name any m ore be called Abram , but thy name shall be A bra­ ham ; fo r a father o f many nations h av e I m ade thee" (Gen. 17:5). Abraham no sooner believed the promise of his seed, than he had to change his name . . . and take, in the sight of all men, a name that literally signified his great and stupendous claim. Christ ever asks us, “Whom sa y y e that I am?” Faith must always set its seal to it that God is true, and “say of the Lord, he is my Helper.” Faith will die without confession. . . . If the healed demoniac had not gone home to his friends and put himself on record for Christ, he probably would have fallen; and if Simon Peter had fearlessly followed Christ’s little band, he would not have de­ nied Him. W e must not merely believe, but we must openly proclaim our belief. 'vir—h . B. S im pson . "Can a woman forget her sucking child? Y ea, they m ay forget, yet will I not forget thee” (Isa. 49:15). This is a love that will not let us go. The best love we know on earth must let us go at death, if not before. Sometimes earthly affection comes tragically short. Can a mother forget her child? God admits that it is possible. She may forget. “Yet will I not forget thee.” “O love that wilt not let me go!” Meditate upon that amazing wealth of passion, that love that overcame by the simple skill of loving to the end, not of loving to our end, but of loving to His end, and His end is that He might go on loving still.— J o hn M ac B e a th . NOVEM BER 25 Believing Literally NOVEM BER 26 Supernatural Love

in a Week

|up to

B Earn Extra M oney! Easy to takeordersf romf riendsandothers. 60 new exclusive double-fold Christ* mas Cards with sender'a name , sell for only $1. Many attractive designs. Hun­ dredsofmenandwomenmaking steady incomes showing this big value. Lib­ eral profits. No experience needed. FREE Samples f Start now. Make money at once, full pare time. Just show samples. Sena name for F R E E selling outfit. Many Other Big Values ^

Also make extra profits with newest $1 Box Assortments of 25 beautiful Christmas folders. Gift Wrappings, Religious and other assortments as low as 50c retail. Write today. General Card Co., 400 S. Peoria St., Dept. A-434, Chicago, 111. SOUTHAFRICA GENERALMISSION “How can I except some man should guide me” ; said the A F R I C A N to Philip. “How shall they hear without a preacher” ; said Paul. Thousands of native A FR ICAN S are waiting to hear of Jesus. The S.A.G.M. is pioneering in uncovered territories, and through its band of faithful workers seeking to make Christ known. Information will be fur­ nished on request. 23 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn • N. Y.

NOVEM BER 27 Root of Happiness

“H appy art thou, O Israel: w ho is like unto thee, O p eop le saved by the Lord." (Deut. 33:29).

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