King's Business - 1938-08

October, 1938

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


GIRLS’ QUERY CORNER C onducted by M yr tle E . S cott Questions for answer in this corner should be sent to Miss Scott, 8961 Dicks St., W est Hollywood, Calif., and a stamped envelope should be enclosed for reply. No name will appear with the questions chosen for pub­ lication. Dear Miss Scott: The Bible tells us that each Christian has some gift. Some are one-talent and some are five-talent people, but I doubt whether I have even the one talent. I feel so use­ less! I have no ability to do anything in public, though I long to be used by the Lord and to amount to something. I seem a failure at anything I undertake, and I am tempted to ask, ‘‘W hat is the use of trying?” I do not know why I am writing to you, for you cannot make me over and I am just as I am. Anyway, it helps one to be able to unburden oneself to some interested soul once in a while. Please call me "M ary.” Dear ''Mary”: Do you realize that you have suggested a very important field of service? There are many ways of serving God other than in public service. There is a great need for people "at leisure from themselves to soothe and sympathize.” Some cities have a part of their social service department set aside for the special purpose of letting peo­ ple with burdened hearts come to tell their troubles and to receive advice. Many people find much relief in just being able to talk things through with some one. And if that “some one” is a Christian with understanding heart sympathy and a listening ear, he or she can point the bur­ dened one to the Lord. For Christ alone can meet every need and heal every heartache. Turn your eyes away from yourself, my dear, and try to find some one who needs a friend or to whom you can be a help and comfort. Do not crave public service until the Lord leads you into it. But when He does, do not hesitate because of a sense of personal weakness. Hear Him say: "I will strengthen thee” (Isa. 41:10). The Lord gives His workers strange weapons with which to work. T o David He gave some pebbles and to Shamgar an oxgoad. You see, He wants us to remem­ ber that it is not our talents or lack of them that matters. What does matter is that the Christian’s life shall be so clean and empty of self that the Holy Spirit can fill the life and put His power into it. The Lord Jesus said to His disciples: "All power is given unto me. — Go y e therefore” (Matt. 28: 18, 19). Their talents were not mentioned, but they were assured of the unfailing source of power in Christ. “The Spirit of Jehovah clothed itself with Gideon” (Judg. 6:34, R .V . margin). Gid­ eon was just a garment for the Spirit to wear. It was the Spirit who did the work. But how greatly honored was Gideon in being chosen as the outward evidence of the Spirit’s working! Think what a privi­ lege is yours, too, in being chosen to be the "working clothes” that the Spirit of God will use. Others will seek you, not for what you are in yourself, but because of the Great Helper who dwells within you and who can meet their needs and yours.

ÿ tu ¿uy LONG LIFE/ The peace of mind which comes from a regular income and provision for the future may add years to your life. Figures prove that owners of annuities are longer lived than the average person. As a holder of an Annuity Agreement of the American Bible Society you receive a check at stated intervals, regardless of disturbing or per­

plexing world conditions. Such checks have never failed though they have been issued reg­ ularly for more than 90 years. You enjoy pro­ tection in old age through a steady income. You enjoy also the permanent satisfaction of taking part in the increasingly important work of making the Bible more widely available throughout the world.

M ay w e sen d y ou “A G ift T h a t L iv es”, a little b o o k le t th a t ex ­ p la in s th e p la n an d h ow y ou m ay e n jo y its tw o -fold adv an tag es? k

_ M A I L T H I S C O U American B ible Society, B ib le House, New York, N. Y. Please send me, without obligation, your booklet KB-77 entitled “A Gift That Lives”. P O N T O D A Y


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