October, 1938
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
Married Byron Chase, Th.B. ’38, and Winifred M. Ruffell, Sept. 9, Burbank, Calif. Clyde J. Kennedy and Dorothy R. Good- ner, ’35, Sept. 6, Santa Ana, Calif. Harwood L. Hall and H. Elizabeth Paul, '32, Aug. 12, Berkeley, Calif. Ralph Peters and Violet Legg, ’37, Sept. 13, Los Angeles, Calif. Abraham H. Neufeld and Linda Unruh, '35, April 3, Shafter, Calif. Joseph Olson and Jean E . Carruthers, '36, Aug. 28, Los Angeles, Calif. Bernhard Regier and Justine Busenitz, July 27, Elbing, Kans. Paul Woodrow Rood, '37, and Ruth V. Tovey, ’38, Sept. 2, Los Angeles, Calif. Born T o Kermit and Mrs. Byrd, a daughter, Esther Beatrice, Aug. 21, Bakersfield, Calif. T o David P. ( ’28) and Mrs. Quiring (Myrtle Belle Reneau, ’27), a daughter, Marla Leanne, May 12, Los Angeles, Calif. T o Neale B. (Th.B. ’36) and Mrs. Thomas (Helen M. Seal, ’3 5), a daughter, Evelyn Louise, Aug. 19, Glendale, Calif. T o James H. ( ’31) and Mrs. Verstrate (’3 4), twin sons, David and Donald, July 27, Yakima, Wash. OUR LITERATURE TABLE The Crucible of Calvary By HARRY RIMMER Calvary is the final test of men for all ages. Writing of those directly associated with the arrest, trial, and crucifixion of Christ as repre sentative types of humanity as a whole, this well- known author classifies the universal attitudes toward the Son of God. His death is the touch stone; one’s destiny in the ages to come is judged by the soul’s belief concerning the work of Jesus Christ accomplished there. 140 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Cloth. Price $1.00. Studies in the Book of Leviticus By EDWARD DREW Generally regarded as one of the least interesting portions of the Bible, the Book of Leviticus becomes a living reality to the reader as the able author plainly shows how it reveals the divine work and beauty of the Lord Jesus Christ. Dealing care fully with each of the offerings, which occupy most of this part of Scripture, the author shows the complete redemption of Christ in its eternal and blessed efficacy. 173 pages. Lont & Overkamp Publishing Co., Paterson, N. J. Cloth $1.25. Paper 70 cents. Brentwood By GRACE LIVINGSTON H ILL Around the unique circumstances of the adoption of a twin daughter into a home of wealth and affluence, and of the return years later of that daughter to her own family, Mrs. Hill has woven a story of idealism and love. Marjorie finds that just as there is no substitute for that affection which may exist between parents and their own begotten children, so the “family” relationship between God the Father and those who are “born again” is impossible to simulate. In beautiful Brentwood, a home lost and then regained through Marjorie’s generosity, the family gathers— and grows— for two prospective sons-in-law are taken into the happy group on the moving day. 314 pages. J .B. Lippincott Company. Cloth. Price $2. Life on the mission field is as genuinely human as it is in the homeland. The proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ in India, and a real romance of faith are woven together in this attrac tive fabric of fiction. True settings form the back ground of the story, for the writer is himself a missionary in India. Oriental manners and thought permeate the volume which is valuable as a book on missions and as a novel. 188 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Cloth. Price $1.00. Sunday School Teaching By MRS. FRANK HAMILTON Practical and workable in the classroom, the ideas and methods included in this booklet are interesting and instructive. Teachers of younger children will be benefited by this writer’s sug gestions. 32 pages. Bible Institute Colportage Ass’n. Paper. Price 25 cents. Mann of the Border By D. EMMET ALTER
NORTH-WESTMOUNTAINMISSION Our Missionaries, using saddle-horse as well as auto, penetrate vast mountain areas, distribute Scriptures and literature, and give personal message and testimony. Many thousands, living remote from churches, will be without the Message of Salvation, except for a ministry such as ours. God is approving this soundly Biblical, Spirit-filled Ministry. Souls are being won for Christ. New recruits (young men) now ready to enlist for this sorely needed service. Sound official background. Supported by interdenominational free-will gifts. Our Ministry grows as God's people respond. Send for more information about “America’s Untouched Mission Field.” A Mighty Challenge to Christians Who Care !
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