King's Business - 1938-08


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

October, 1938

Some months ago, the World’s Christian Fundamentals Association insisted on "drafting” me to devote all my time to evangelistic campaigns, Bible conferences, and organization work in behalf of the Association. The feeling expressed was that America as a nation is facing the greatest crisis in her history and that a debacle is inevitable unless we have a nation-wide revival. The time has come to organize as many as possible of the estimated 20,000,000 Fundamentalists of America and to call on God’s people to cry out to God for a national revival. The Association has a responsibility in this crisis that it dare not evade. This challenging call has been before me for months, and the fact that I feel deeply concerned and stirred over national con­ ditions has made it very appealing. The further fact that the Church of the Open Door is now challenged as never before by a responsibility to the Bible Institute makes me feel that I conscientiously can be released from my responsibility at Biola. W ith my recommendation, Louis T . Talbot has been elected as my successor. The fact that he is in a position to serve without salary and that he has a great church and radio audi­ ence to appeal to for aid makes me feel that he can render the Institute great assist­ ance at this time. I leave Biola reluctantly because I love this school and these precious young people committed to our care. I shall ever carry the school and its students on my heart, and any service that can be rendered Biola will be offered gladly even though I have no official relationship with the Institute. I rejoice in the unity that now characterizes every department of Biola and in the strong faculty that the school now possesses. I bespeak for Dr. Talbot, for the Board of Trustees, and for the entire personnel of Biola the prayers and support of God’s people everywhere. As for me, I go conscious of the fact that I have been led of the Lord. A tenta­ tive program arranged for a year will take me to practically every part of the nation. The first campaign is scheduled to be held at the Calvary Baptist Church of New York City at the time this issue of T he K ing ’ s B usiness will be in its readers’ hands. My greatest encouragement is that God has given me many prayer warriors. Please pray for me that God may use me as a fire­ brand and that revival fires may be kindled throughout the nation. My final word is a hearty “thank you” to all who have made my burdens lighter by their sympathetic understanding, kind words and deeds, and by their prayers. God bless and reward all of you! W e meet daily at the throne of grace. "And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified” (Acts 20:31).

Resolution o f the W orld ’s Christian Fundamentals Association WHEREAS, Almighty God, in His infinite goodness and wisdom, has raised up in this hour of crisis in the course of Christian civilization a mighty leader of the forces of fundamental Chris­ tianity, contending for the faith of our fathers, and combating the common enemies of Christ and country, and WHEREAS, Brother Paul Rood has exemplified in his masterful conduct of this convention, and in his years of direct and indirect fellowship and labor with us as individuals and as an organization, that he is gifted of God with the peerless and priceless qualities of leadership which the World's Christian Fundamentals Association requires if it is to go forward in its task of winning the young and old of the world for Christ, of safeguarding our in­ valuable heritage of Christian American civilization, and WHEREAS, It is the sense and sentiment, the plea and the prayer, the wish and the will, of this convention that FUNDAMENTALISM SHALL CONTINUE ON THE MARCH, shall continue moving forward in the Lord's work, until that blessed day when we shall rejoice in His glorious appearing, BE IT RESOLVED, THEREFORE, That this convention does hereby urge upon our dearly beloved brother and leader, Paul Rood, that he accept the divine summons, with the help of God, to keep fundamentalism on the march, uncompro­ misingly, unceasingly, unremittingly, and unfail­ ingly— unto the glory of God and the cause of Christ. PURSUANT OF the above divine objective, this convention here and now respectfully drafts Brother Rood to the heavenly commission of devoting his full time to the carrying forward of evangelistic campaigns, the conducting of Bible conferences, and the furtherance in all worthy ways of the on­ ward march of the World's Christian Fundamentals Association for Christ and His kingdom. EXECUTIVE COMM ITTEE, World*s Christian Fundamentals Ass*n. bands, each with a capable leader and six men, expected to go forth after September 24, to western Hunan and possibly Kwei­ chow province for a year’s work. Mr. Roberts writes: "Much prayer is necessary for these thirty-five evangelists as they go forth into districts not now directly dis­ turbed by war conditions. Most of them will be serving in places where the gospel has never been preached. W ith the mass evacuation and migration of Chinese from ‘occupied territory’ to west and south China, the opportunities for service are overwhelming." 2. R eopening o f the Scofield Corres­ pondence Course. C. K. Cheng (known often as "Scofield Cheng” ) has returned to the Institute after an absence of two years. He is planning to strengthen and extend the ministry of his Scofield Correspondence Course which God has singularly blessed to hundreds in China, and to a number of Chi­ nese in America who need study helps in their own language. 3. An Extension D epartment fo r Bible- Evangelistic Conferences. The Institute at Changsha plans to undertake special con­ ference work in districts where the regular Biola workers are more permanently lo­ cated, and in this way to gather for short periods of special Bible study the Chinese who will have become interested in the gospel. Workers of this extension depart­ ment will also visit large centers upon call from Christian churches. Pray that the Lord will lead our brethren as they start out after the Conference at Changsha in September. Waterloo, Iowa May 8-15, 1938.

Resolution of the Board o f Trustees o f the B ible Institute o f Los Angeles WHEREAS, Paul W. Rood has faithfully and energetically served the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated, for the last three years as President and has by his zeal and enthusiasm increased the income of the Bible Institute and raised the spiritual and educational standards of the school, and WHEREAS, Dr. Rood has ablv edited The King*s Business and has contactea and secured many new subscribers for the magazine and donors for the Bible Institute through his evangelistic campaigns and Bible conferences, and WHEREAS, Dr. Rood has by precept and ex­ ample emphasized evangelism and soul-winning and faithfulness to the Lord and His Word, and WHEREAS, Paul W. Rood has resigned as President of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated, to accept a call from the World's Christian Fundamentals Association to devote all his time to evangelistic campaigns, Bible confer­ ences, and organization work in the interest of the Association, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That we as members of the Board of Trustees of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles express our grati­ tude to God and Dr. Rood for what has been accomplished during his administration and our admiration for his untiring labors, his faithful proclamation of the Word, his earnestness and sincerity and his brotherly spirit, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That we follow Dr. Rood with our prayers and well wishes as he takes up his new work, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That we extend to him a hearty welcome to our conferences and fellowship and that we bespeak for him the prayers and cooperation of God's people everywhere. TH E BOARD OF TRUSTEES, The Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, Inc . Los Angeles, California September 2, 1938. W ITH NOTH ING certain except that the city of Changsha is doomed to further Japanese bomb­ ing raids, the staff of the Hunan Bible Institute is planning a fall program of Bible-centered ministry to needy areas of China. It is impossible to estimate the cour­ age and devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ that are evidenced by this decision. Re­ cently, during a fearful air raid on the city of Changsha, Hunan, the Hunan Bible Institute mercifully was spared damage, and became a refuge for many hospital pa­ tients. Refugee work among Christians, evan­ gelistic itineration by the Biola Bands, and a Bible teaching ministry to persons who cannot gather safely in the Institute build­ ings will afford a flexible schedule of serv­ ice, as outlined in an August letter from Charles A. Roberts, treasurer of the school. W ith such doubt concerning troop move­ ments in the vicinity of Changsha, the In­ stitute leaders in China feel that they can­ not reopen the school for regular study this fall. They expect, however, fo use the buildings {or definite w ork for Christian refugees and others, and also to take every opportunity to have meetings and Bible classes. For September 17 to 24 they plan­ ned a conference at the Institute for the regular Biola Band Evangelists and other Christian workers. The threefold program for the fall— sub­ ject, of course, to change if war conditions so require—is as follows: 1. B iola Band W ork. Five separate

Adjustment to China's War Conditions China D epartm en t o f th e B ib le Institute o f Los Angeles A dap ts Itse lf to an Uncertain Future

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