May 3 Friday 3:00 p.m.
Aging is a taboo topic for many, but we are here to flip the script! Bob Unitiedt, Executive Director of T.R.A.I.L. (Tools and Resources for Active Independent Living) of Johnson County will share everything from little steps to take in early retirement to big steps you can make as you age to help keep decisions in your hands as long as possible. The session will cover housing considerations, local resources, and practical ideas for how you can set yourself up for success in active and independent living as you age. Educating yourself now empowers you to live your best life on your own, but not alone! The event will conclude with an opportunity for Q&A. Register by Thursday, May 2.
Calling the Shots as You Age
Iowa City Hills Bank Community Room (1401 S Gilbert St)
As one of the oldest cemeteries in Iowa, the historic Oak Shade
Cemetery in Marion is filled with a vibrant history dating back to 1840. Join Jay Kacena with the Friends of Oak Shade Cemetery as he shares about the group’s
work in revitalizing, documenting, and preserving this beautiful cemetery. He will discuss their genealogical research discoveries, the diverse history of those remembered, and many of the stories uncovered along the way. Together we will learn about the unique history of the Linn County citizens and historic figures who are connected through their common burial ground. Register by Thursday, May 9.
May 10 Friday 10:30 a.m.
The Stories of Oak Shade Cemetery
Hills Bank Marion Community Room (3204 7th Ave)
Register Now Email or call 319-679-2103 .
Friends Club News
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