TZL 1422 (web)



Look toward the future: Joe Greco President of Lord Aeck Sargent (Atlanta, GA), an architecture and design firmwith a history of creating environments people want to use and preserve.


G reco has served as president for Lord Aeck Sargent since 2010, but he’s been a practicing architect since 1985. He continues to be connected to the design practice which is in alignment with a company culture that embraces collaboration. “LAS recently made a conscious decision to look more intently toward the firm’s future,” Greco says. “We work hard to incentivize and provide leadership opportunities for the next generation and we prefer to do that from within the firm rather than bringing in new senior people when possible.” A CONVERSATIONWITH JOE GRECO. The Zweig Letter: As a Georgia Tech undergraduate, you received a scholarship to attend the Fontainebleau Study Program at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris. What is one of the greatest things you learned from that experience that still influences you in your practice today? Why? Joe Greco: The opportunity to study abroad for an entire year

had an incredible, lasting impact on my perspective about design in general – particularly with respect to architecture and urbanism. The exposure to different cultures, languages, values, history, and design at such a formative age is something I’d encourage for any student, but especially for one in a design discipline. It brings a degree of humility, respect, and open-mindedness through a broader context that’s hard to duplicate any other way. Living a year in Paris gave me a firsthand introduction to a density and richness of urban space in a way that transcended the specifics and shaped a lifelong appreciation of cities and human interaction through design as a whole. TZL: How do you anticipate COVID-19 permanently impacting your firm’s policy on telecommuting? JG: We are in the process of implementing a hybrid work approach that combines remote work with in-person office (and virtual) collaboration. The pandemic taught us that we can be effective working from anywhere, but also that there’s


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