The beauty of it is that Drakenstein Municipality can now guarantee our residents and businesses less downtime.

The Municipality, serving a population of 305 281, will gradually replace its current monitoring system with Schneider Electric’s ETAP system, incorporating a range of features that will revolutionise how Drakenstein Municipality manages its electrical infrastructure. Three of the Municipality’s altogether 36 substations are already online; in the 2023/24 financial year, eight more substations will be brought online.

“This is the part that makes me really excited,” says Alderman Poole. “The beauty of it is that Drakenstein Municipality can now guarantee our residents and businesses less downtime. Our community, like the rest of South Africa, is loadshedding fatigued. Not only does Eskom loadshedding mean hours of inconvenient outages, but it also creates a breeding ground for criminals to steal cables and damage infrastructure.

VARS | September


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