Parents of students experiencing any of the following symptoms should log in to the Ascend App, and the app will give directions on your next steps. The Ascend App is for COVD-19 related symptoms. Even if you get a green screen indicating your child is clear to report onsite to school, there are other illnesses that warrant your child staying home. Please refer to the school handbook for these directives. As the science around COVID-19 changes, the Ascend App will continue to adapt to ensure the safety of our school community.
Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit Known close contact with a person who is lab confirmed to have COVID-19 Cough Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Chills
Muscle Pain Sore Throat Loss of taste or smell Loss of appetite Nausea/Vomiting Diarrhea
School: refers to the people, teachers, staff, and students Campus: refers to the physical buildings and property Social distancing protocol: ability to create situations that prevent an individual from having close physical contact Capacity: the number of individuals who can gather in a given space Circle of contact: reduce the size of our community to divisions and limit the contact to only those in the division Temperature control: requiring checking of temperature using a no touch thermometer Health and hygiene protocols: practices that promote health and reduce the exposure to disease from other human beings Sanitation protocols: practices that promote health and reduce the exposure to disease from surface contact Mode of learning: There are three modes of learning: Distance Learning, Hybrid, and On-campus Restrictive Non-academic elective classes: Includes performing arts (choral classes and performances) and PE classes Athletics: all after-school sports Buses: Refers to bus transportation for athletic events/field trips
COVID-19 Personnel Policy: special HR policies implemented due to the COVID-19 pandemic only COVID-19 Student Attendance Policy: special attendance policy for students due to COVID-19
Quarantine: mandatory requirement for students/staff with confirmed COVID-19 positive to remove oneself from the community for a period of 14 days; mandatory requirement for students/staff with confirmed COVID-19 direct exposure to remove oneself from the community for a period of 5 days; mandatory requirement for students/staff living with a family member who has COVID-19 and cannot live separately will be asked to quarantine for 14 calendar days. In each case the students/staff must be symptom free for the final 3 calendar days of the quarantine before returning to school. Essential personnel: Employees who work in non-academic areas and the Academic team leaders
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