PAAS SB V4.4 (SEP 2021)

Industrial Grey PVC-U Pipe And Fittings Electric Actuated PP-H Valves

PP-H Electric Actuated EA25 - 3 Way Horizontal 543 T-Port- Socket Fusion - TYPE 168

PP-H Electric Actuated EA25 - 3 Way Ball Horizontal T-Port - Socket Fusion




Convert to IR/Butt



240 V

24 V

240 V

24 V

add code x 3

20mm 1/2”

10 EA25 199 168 063 199 168 223 199 168 073 199 168 233

167 482 945

25mm 3/4”

10 EA25 199 168 064 199 168 224 199 168 074 199 168 234

167 482 946

32mm 1”

10 EA25 199 168 065 199 168 225 199 168 075 199 168 235

167 482 947

40mm 1.25” 10 EA25 199 168 066 199 168 226 199 168 076 199 168 236

167 482 948

50mm 1.5”

10 EA25 199 168 067 199 168 227 199 168 077 199 168 237

167 482 949

63mm 2”

10 EA25 199 168 068 199 168 228 199 168 078 199 168 238

167 482 950

PP-H Electric Actuated EA25 - 3 Way Ball Horizontal L-Port - Socket Fusion




Convert to IR/Butt



240 V

24 V

240 V

24 V

add code x 3

20mm 1/2”

10 EA25 199 168 023 199 168 183 199 168 033 199 168 193

167 482 945

25mm 3/4”

10 EA25 199 168 024 199 168 184 199 168 034 199 168 194

167 482 946

32mm 1”

10 EA25 199 168 025 188 168 135 199 168 035 199 168 195

167 482 947

40mm 1.25” 10 EA25 199 168 026 199 168 136 199 168 036 199 168 196

167 482 948

50mm 1.5”

10 EA25 199 168 027 199 168 137 199 168 037 199 168 197

167 482 949

63mm 2”

10 EA25 199 168 028 199 168 138 199 168 038 199 168 198

167 482 950

e-Diastar - Electric Diaphragm

 e-Diastar kit allows the GF type 515 / 514 / 517 valves in DN25 and DN50 sizes to be electrically actuated valve.  Accessories such as position feedback / 4-20mA positioning allowing for 10-100% linear control.  Valve sold seperately



240 V


1” 10

198 153 210 198 153 212

198 153 211 198 153 213



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V 4.4

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