King's Business - 1948-02

OUR BIBLE INSTITUTE IN CHINA O UR readers are aware of the fact that the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles owns and operates another com­ plete Bible Institute at Changsha, Hunan, in the heart of China. Hunan Bible In­ stitute reopened recently and continues to fill a place of ever-increasing. impor­ tance in the spiritual economy of New China. A recent report from Superin­ tendent Charles A. Roberts states that the school soon hopes to include two other vitally-needed departments: one, an orphanage for many homeless Chinese boys and girls, and the other, a hospital to replace the one which was completely destroyed during the war years. As there is sufficient space on the campus for these buildings, these two departments will begin to operate shortly. One division of the work which was of great value in the pre-war years is al­ ready in operation—the sending forth of “ Bible Bands” to evangelize the smaller villages of China. Evangelistic Band No. 1 recently reported splendid success at Supu, Hunan. There forty-eight inquir­ ers are now studying the gospel, and thirty have definitely accepted Christ. Of these a number are teachers, government officials, and shopkeepers. Another sec­ tion of HBI is that of the Correspond­ ence school; 500 sets of the Scofield Bible Course have just been printed for which there is an ever-increasing demand. Dr. Roberts believes that this is the time of China’s opportunity. He plans to send out a student evangelistic band during the winter vacation and hopes to have additional groups in the field as soon as financial support is available. Friends of the work of Biola in Los Angeles are earnestly urged to add this Hunan ministry to their prayer lists, be­ seeching our Heavenly Father that His direction and blessing may continue to abide upon the work. Russia today is not behind the other nations in the preparation of the engines of warfare. When we think of the man power and natural resources of Russia, combined with the mechanized imple­ ments of war and the military efficiency of Germany, we can well imagine what an army will come from such an alli­ ance. Already the race in airplane pro­ duction has become a major issue; and we can well imagine the part aerial war­ fare will take in that coming world conflict. It is not mere speculation to predict that the total number of planes will be counted by the millions instead o f by the thousands. Then Ezekiel’s prophecy will be literally fulfilled, in that the northern hordes will be “ like a cloud to cover the land.” In hatred of God and the Jew, “ the prince of Rosh” and his confederates will invade Palestine. This hatred is ex­ pressed in verse 10: PALESTINE, RUSSIA (Continued from Page IS)

PUT I N D I A O N Y O U R MISSIONARY PROGRAM India's 400,000,000 souls know bloodshed, but not His shed blood! The CEYLON AND INDIA GENERAL MISSION 128 -S. Lombard Ave., Oak Park, Illinois 55 years in India—Free literature, available. A fruitful ministry of evangelism and Scripture distribution supported by free-will offerings. Send for free Quarterly with news of wor!( in U. S. and China to: National Headquarters Pocket Testament League 156 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK 10, N. Y.

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