King's Business - 1948-02

S ERMON------------------------------------ ECRETARY Christian Author's Representative Let us help you get your message, ser­ mons and Christian novels into print. Complete revising, typing, marketing serv­ ice by one with more than 15 years in the religious publishing field. Books, booklets, tracts and pamphlets our specialty. Best contact with religious publishers.


avert disaster to a diminishing race; Deeds, not words, are needed now. There is an urgent call for missionaries. Men are needed—men of mind and muscle and consecrated heart, who are willing and eager to dare danger to do difficult things for God. Christian women are wanted for this work: women strong enough to stand the strain of toil- in lonely places, and with love in their hearts for the unlovely. Someone is needed to care for the lovely unloved aboriginal children who roam the des­ ert, and rest their nude bodies at night on the cold, hard ground. To some readers of these lines there will come a demand for the deed of sac­ rificial giving. Whether God’s steward is able to give the mite or the million, his Lord requires faithfulness. Faithful­ ness in giving, by God’s steward at home, is just as imperative as is stead­ fast service by the missionary on the field. Many baffling problems in the work of getting the gospel to the aborigines would be solved immediately if the stew­ ards of God’s wealth dared to do the vital deed of sacrificial giving. Motor transport to reach these Nomads of the Lonely Heart is needed immediately. It has become possible to make long jour­ neys into the interior of Australia by air. Planes are being used every day by business men to promote their worldly enterprise in these parts. Why should not the missionary be able to fly with the gospel to the natives who have never heard? Here again is God’s challenge for daring Christian giving. An immediate survey o f these waiting fields, white unto the harvest, could be made if some of God’s trusted stewards would take up the divine challenge now. The primary purpose for which our mission — the Australian Aborigines Evangelical Mission—has been brought into being, is to get the gospel out at once to these primitive people. This new venture o f faith is now fully es­ tablished. The Mission is registered un­ der government regulations, and is be­ ing incorporated, with a Board o f Con­ trol in Sydney, New South Wales. The work is organized on a non-sectarian basis, so that all evangelical Christians may take part in it. It will be main­ tained by the voluntary gifts of those whose hearts are stirred to action through prayer, and through their knowledge of the needs of the work amongst the aborigines. Information about the work will be supplied on re­ quest. Missionaries with the needed qualifications will be accepted and sent out into the field as God makes provi­ sion. Speakers and deputationists will visit churches and other Christian groups where meetings can be arranged. I appeal for missionaries to go out amongst the aborigines of Australia. These lonely heathen hearts are waiting. The Australian Aborigines Evangelical Mission provides the necessary channel. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, will supply - the power and He guarantees His per­ petual companionship. F E B R U A R Y , I 9 4 8

Founded in 1907 Bolivian Indian Mission Pacific Coast Council 230 No. New Hampshire Ave. Los Angeles 4, Calif. Featuring two Bible Institutes in the Spanish and Quechua languages. 5,000 = WANTED to sell Bibles, Testaments, good books, hand­ some Scripture mottoes, Scripture calendars, greeting cards. Good commission. Send for free catalog and price list. George W. Noble, The Christian Co. Dept. 7-C, Pontiac Bldg., Chicago 5, III.

State your need in a letter to DOROTHY H. MARTIN Christian Literary Service

P. O. Box 1683

Hollywood 28, California

GOOD THINGS AHEAD! Watch for the messages from the Torrey Memo­ rial Conference in future issues of The King's Business


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