SACRED PIANO SOLOS “There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy” “ Blessed Be the Fountain” “ Safe in the Arms of Jesus” Classical arrangements. Original introductions. Rich Harmonies; Brilliant cadenzas. Modulations. Chimes. Suitable for radio performance. Each, 35c. A L L THREE FOR $1.00 postpaid. Order from GORDON E. HOOKER 558 So. Hope St. Los Angeles 13, Calif. Buy 2-Color Fundamental GOSPEL TRACTS from NORTHWEST GOSPEL PUBLISHING HOUSE CHRISTIAN SUPPLIES Visit or write us for Bibles, books, Scripture cards, mottoes and pictures. A good line of many items for the Christian home and for the Church and Sunday School. THE BAPTIST BOOK STORE 352 S. Spring St. Los Angeles 13, Calif. MAG IC CLIMAX GOSPEL OBJECTS Complete—Ready to Use Chernies, Paper Tearing, Surprise Climax in each. Simple, Evangelistic, Inexpensive. FREE SAMPLE ARNOLD CARL WESTPHAL Rt. 2 Laporte, Indiana 435 East 72nd St. Seattle 5, Wash; $1.00 Brings a Generous Supply
Helps for Christian Endeavor and Other Young People's Groups
March 7. 1948 WHAT IS SPIRITUAL LIFE? J ohn 3 :1-6; 4 :24 ; R om . 8:1-17
A LL life, animal, vegetable, human, and angelic, comes by and through Christ Jesus our Lord and from the Father’s own plan. But spiritual life is a gift. It cannot be earned or merited or produced. It is a spontaneous act of God through the Lord Jesus and by the Holy Spirit wherein a person receives the g ift o f a new life absolutely different from any human life. This life always acts in a manner that reveals the presence of God in the soul. Nothing else will change an earth lover into a heaven lover. E ternal L ife G ives a N ew R elationship to G od J ohn 17:3 A new life reveals the fact that God has put a new nature into the soul which enables one to think God’s thoughts and love God’s ways. Eternal life enables one to live for eternity. Such life causes one to weigh all matters, social, business, financial, domestic, and religious, in the light o f eternal values. Eternal life links the heart with the Lord Jesus Christ and causes one to yield to the leading o f the Holy Spirit. This life finds its satisfaction in the Word of God, in the Son o f God, and in the service of God. E ternal L ife G ives a N ew National life separates men. The Jap anese are opposed to the Chinese, the Germans to the French, the Italians to the Ethiopians. The rich oppose the poor; the strong oppose the weak. This is the natural result of a natural life. When God gives new life, wonderful eternal life, national barriers are removed, so cial barriers disappear, natural hin- F E B R U A R Y , I 9 4 8 R elationship to M en G al . 3 :28 ; C ol . 3:11
drances are dissolved. All become one in Christ Jesus. This is the only way under the sun that races can intermingle hap pily and profitably. No other plan will work. E ternal L ife G ives a N ew R elationship to E arth 1 P et . 2:11 Those who have received the gift of eternal life are linked with heaven and heaven’s affairs. They are occupied with the eternal matters which stand the test of time and eternity. They want men saved from their sins and saved from hell. They want righteousness to rule in the nation and godliness in the home. They want the Son of God exalted and the Word of God honored. They put God’s business first, ahead of science, art, finances, society, or pleasure. Those who possess eternal life live godly lives in this present evil world. Those who have eternal life are inter ested in the eternal city not as a side line but as a principal goal. They lay up treasures above. They are interested in getting people into heaven and also in making them fit for heaven through faith in Christ Jesus the Lord. They look forward with earnest hope to the day when they shall be with Christ which is far better. They have a desire to be absent from the body and present with the Lord. They adopt heaven’s ways; they speak heavenly language; they have heavenly ambitions. They dwell in the secret place o f the Most High on earth that they may be prepared for the glorious atmosphere of the eternal city. E ternal L ife G ives a N ew R elationship to H eaven H eb . 11:10
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