March 14, 1948 HOW CAN I GROW SPIRITUALLY? E ph . 3:14-21; J as . 1:19-27
T R A C T S Recommended by Louis T. Talbot, Paul R. Bauman, Sam H. Suther land, and others. Titles include: Life Facts, Hell, Christ Speaks on Hell,. When the Books Are Opened, Ye Must Be Born Again, Sliding Into Hell from a Church Pew, Eat, Drink, and Be Merry, The Delusion of Head Belief, Soul Winner’s Chart. Send 10c for samples of all publications listed! KING’S CROSS PUBLICATION Sacramento 14, Calif. THOUGHTS IN VERSE By AN N IE E. HITT A collection of 140 poems, covering a wide variety of themes— thoughts on special days, mother,, and subjects of general interest. Spiritual and Scrip tural. Ideal gift.. $1.00 postpaid. Obtainable from author or from Bible Book Stores. ANNIE E. HITT 5224 37th Ave., South, Seattle 8, Wash. KING'S CROSS PUBLICATIONS (Paul R. Cowles, Jr., Dir. Evang.) 1916 15th St. One of the Greatest Books ever written on , "Sunday School Organization and Administration" by Dr. Louis Entzminger who has organized and reorganized churches and Sunday schools for the past 35 years. Es pecially prepared for pastors, superinten dents, and teachers. Every problem that will ever confront you is carefully and thoroughly explained. These methods will work in any church, anywhere. Discount to book stores. PRICE $1.50 ORDER FROM DR. LOUIS ENTZMINGER 408 Throckmorton Fort Worth, Texas YOU CAN WIN SOULS TO CHRIST WITH GOSPEL FILMS Send for free booklet today explaining. It will be a revelation to you. Also free booklet describing the revolu- • . tionary lifetime MIRACLE SOUND PROJECTOR that does not wear out; quiet as a clock; needs no oiling; has no belts; needs no servicing; trouble-proof. C. 0 . BAPTISTA FILMS Sunnyside Avenue, Wheaton, III. UNION LESSON HELPS on the International Uniform Lessons are based squarely on the Bible Union Lesson Helps stand for and emphasize the foundation truths held in common by all evangelical Christians. Undenominational and uncontroversial, they can be used with safety in any Sunday school. Write for free specimens AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION 1816 Chestnut,StreetI Philadelphia, Pa.
W HEN a person is born again,, he is only a babe in Christ. He may have much knowledge about mathemat ics, astronomy, paleontology, or agricul ture, but know almost nothing about God and His way, His Word, and His work. He must come, therefore, as a little child, to learn from the Scripture how to walk. As he grows, he learns more of the wonders of the God whom he has trusted. He eats the living bread and drinks the living water and walks in the path of life, eternal life. IDEA 1. In connection with the topic o f March 7, have someone prepare a talk in which the con trast between the spiritual defeat described in Romans 7 and the spiritual victory pictured in Ro mans 8 is brought out. Notice the frequent use of the pronoun. “ I” in chapter 7 .and the emphasis on “ the Spirit” in the 8th chapter. IDEA 2. For a supplement to the March 14 discussion, have sev eral of your most consecrated young people give testimonies show ing how Prayer and Bible Study help in their spiritual growth. IDEA 3. As an introduction to the discussion on the March 21 topic, have one of the older Chris tians of your church relate an in cident of God’s aid in some time of crisis. Discuss Romans 8:28, com paring Authorized, Revised and Revised Standard translations. IDEA 4. The Easter season is a splendid time for evangelism. Make a prospective list o f young people you desire to win for Christ. Pray for them in your prayer sessions. Hand each member the name o f a prospect and ask that a call be made upon that one during the week, and that a report be made at the next Sunday’s meeting. Repeat this each week for four weeks be fore Easter or until the prospect list is exhausted. If one member does not win the prospect, give the name to another member for the following week.. IT'S AN IDEA Rev. Carlton C. Buck . G row S piritually by S tudying the S cripture 2 T im . 2:15 There is no substitute for knowing the Bible. Enthusiasm will not take its place; joy, music, activity, cannot make up for lack o f knowing what is in God’s Word. If one is to be used of God, he must know the Bible. Human needs can be met only with God’s Holy Word. God is revealed to human hearts through His Word. God’s thoughts can be known only through the Scripture. If you would grow spiritually, learn the Bible.
G row S piritually by F eeding on the W ord J er . 15:16
Education is essential and desirable but there must be nutrition also. We go to the classroom to learn, but we must go to the dining room to be fed. The Saviour said, “ He that eateth me, even he shall live by me.” Find in the Word new revelations o f God’s love and new presentations of His beauty so that your heart may be fed and thrilled with mar velous manifestations of Himself. His fellowship is priceless. His presence brings radiance to the heart and soul. Grow by feeding on Him. G row S piritually by L istening to G odly T eachers G al . 6:6 It is necessary to meditate on the min istry we receive in order that we may apply it to our hearts. God has given to the church evangelists, pastors, and teachers, for the building up of the Chris tians in 1;heir most holy faith, and to make them like Christ. As we listen to their messages and meditate upon them, we learn more of God, we love Him more, and yield more fully to the Holy Spirit. Each child o f God who receives from God messages through the Scrip ture should pass them on to others so •they may be enriched by these revela tions. G row S piritually by E xercising A Christian may be likened to a siphon. The clamp is removed from one end so that the .fluid may enter. The clamp is then removed from the lower end of the siphon and the flow begins. The liquid cannot enter at the top unless it has an exit at the bottom. So the Christian must give out if he would take in. The God of heaven is glad to keep pouring in from heaven’s reser voir if we continue to pour it out through earthly channels. Thus, we receive more and more o f heavenly blessings and be come more and more able Christians. R O B E R T L. WA L L CHAPLAIN and FUNERAL COUNSELOR for the BRAMBLE FUNERAL HOME Reverent Christian Service in Bereavement 1816 Toberman Street LOS ANGELES 15 Funerals as low as $70.00 Off. Tel. Prospect 2256 - Res. Tel. HE. 9180 Y our G ifts J ames 1:22
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