March 21, 1948 SPIRITUAL TRIUMPH THROUGH CRISIS R om . 8:18-29
Try These Strong HEW SOUL-WINNING Songs
Every one based squarely, on the Gospel, and re flecting the joy of sin-free souls. For Womens Voices
W E learn by experience. Anchors are tested to see what size ship each one will hold under adverse condi tions. Ropes are tested on a breaking machine to find the breaking point. Christ was called “ a tried corner stone, a sure foundation.”- So we may expect in our lives to have situations arise which will test our faith, our confidence, and our knowledge of God. Let us be grate ful for these testing times. Through them we learn our own weakness and the Lord’s wonderful sufficiency. D avid W as T ried P sa . 63:7 This servant of God had many testing times. There was the incident of the bear and the lion in which David found his Lord to be sufficient. There was a testing time with Goliath and here again David’s God gave him victory. Later, David had an experience with Absalom, his own and favorite son. This was a severe trial, yet David did not lose his faith; instead his faith increased. The testing times which included the years Saul -persecuted him gave him a tri umphant faith. Through trials David was made an example for all other be lievers. P aul W as T ried A cts 26:2 There were many times of crisis in this great man’s life. His experience at Damascus when he was let down over the wall in a basket as a criminal proved his humility of mind and his meekness o f spirit. His period of imprisonment T HROUGHOUT the ministry of the early fathers, the message of the tioned in the very beginning of Acts and the proofs are appended. It was the focal point of every argument in the ministry of the apostles and the fathers o f the church. It was of tremendous value that this Man so cruelly mutilated and so securely buried behind the Ro man seal could and did appear again to “ above five hundred brethren at once.” The living Christ is the very life of the church. T here Is a L iving C hrist for O ur H earts L uke 24:36-40 There is a deep sadness in the heart of one who stands before the tomb o f a loved one and can have no communion F E B R U A R Y , 1 9 4 8
was another crisis in which he proved that he could sing in the midst of sor row and praise God in prison stocks. When brought before Agrippa, again his triumphant faith was revealed before men of might. These examples are for our blessing. S amuel W as T ried 1 S am . 16:13 There came a day when Samuel had to go to his friend Eli when he was just a boy, immature and untrained. His simple faith in God was enough. Later, he had a testing time with another friend, King Saul. He had to go to this man whom he loved and tell him the sad news that God had taken the king dom from him. Again he was tested when he was brought back from the dead to testify to Saul that his days had come to an end and his kingdom was given to another. J esus W as T ried M att . 4:1 The Saviour went through His testing to prove to us His stability, dependabil ity, and trustworthy character. There were" no weaknesses in this Rock of Ages. Satan tested Him and so did wicked men. His friends tested Him and so did His enemies. Because He stood every test, we are invited to put our whole trust in Him with complete con fidence. He will never fail to meet every need fully. He will never break down under any load placed upon His shoul ders. The government of earth and the glory of God rest securely on Him. with that one. Christ, however, came out o f the tomb and invites us to constant communion and fellowship with Him self. We may come boldly unto the throne of grace. We may and should hold frequent converse with this lovely Lord who asks us to come. We may pour out our hearts to Him and feel the re lief o f talking to a true friend. You may roll every burden on His loving heart and be refreshed. T here Is a L iving C hrist for The expression, “ He careth fo r you,” may be- translated, “ He will do the caring instead of you.” He is really inviting us to let Him do all of our worrying fo r us. Someone has suggested that we might say, “ Take your burden baggage to God’s parcel room and check it there.” This, O ur C are H eb . 7:25
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MARCH 28, 1948 EASTER FAITH IS MINE 1 C or . 15:1-10; A cts 26:19, 20
resurrection was paramount. It is men
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