King's Business - 1948-02

of course, permits the heart to go about the daily tasks, singing, worshiping, and trusting. It is not the Lord’s will that we should bear burdens. There is a liv­ ing Christ who loves to do it. Let us take advantage of this wonderful priv­ ilege. T here I s a L iving C hrist for When He said, “ And lo, I am with you alway,” it was because we need someone alongside to counsel, guide, and direct. For this reason our Lord Jesus in the person of the Holy Spirit assures us of His wonderful presence so that we may serve successfully and effectively. He will fight the battles and win the victory. He will show the plan of attack and enable us to pursue if. He O ur S ervice M att . 28:20

A STRIKING NEW PROPHETIC BOOK B y David Sim pson o f Australia “PALESTINE AND THE W O R LD ’S D R AM A ” Outlining God’s Program for the Jews and Palestine from the gray dawn of history to the glory of the millennial age. A masterly treatise on prophetic truth bearing on the most vital issues of

will save from the pitfalls and the snares and bring us safely through. Because He lives, we can fight the battle con­ scious of His presence. T here I s a L iving C hrist for O ur A ssurance J ohn 14:19 Were it not that our Lord Jesus is risen and living at God’s right hand, we would have no assurance whatever of our own resurrection and eternal life. “ He was raised for our justification.” The One who bore our sins on Calvary ascended- into God’s presence and ap­ pears in the presence o f God for us. He could not have gone back to heaven un­ less He had blotted out our sins. With the sins gone, He could return to His place in glory. His presence there gives us peace here.

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As you read the missionary appeals on these pages, remember there is a part for you in this great enterprise. You may PRAY, OR GIYE, OR GO. Some cannot go or give, but all can pray.



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