King's Business - 1948-02

THE MISSIONARY CALL Oh, hark to the call! It comes unto all Whom Jesus hath rescued from sin’s deadly thrall: “ Come over and help us! in bondage we languish; Come over and help us! we die in our anguish!” It comes unto me; It comes unto thee; What—oh, what, shall the answer be? It comes to the soul That Christ hath made whole, The heart that is longing His name to extol; It comes with a chorus o f pitiful wail­ ing; It comes with a plea which is strong and prevailing: For Christ’s sake to me; For Christ’s sake to thee; What—oh, what, shall the answer be? A cry, as of pain, Again and again Is borne o’er the deserts and widespread- ing main; A cry from the lands that in darkness are lying, A cry from the hearts that in sorrow are sighing; It comes unto me; It comes unto thee; What— oh, what, shall the answer be? Teacher Training Schools, equipping na­ tives for a Bible-centered, spiritual min­ istry. With the kindred work of the sister missions adding their quota in the great land o f Africa, this type of work is going ahead with increasing vision and vigor. The problem of the evan­ gelization o f Africa is being slowly an­ swered, by missionary work of the in­ digenous church and its own people. From the known results of the past few years, and with the firm belief that God is going to work the “ exceeding abun­ dantly” above what we ask or think, we can see nothing but a glorious future for the Church of Christ in Africa. Send $1.00 with the names and addresses of 10 of your friends to whom sample copies of the King's Business will1 be promptly mailed. Circulation Department T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S 558 So. Hope St. - Los Angeles 13, Calif. AFRICA 'S EVANGELIZATION ( Continued from Page 20)

■■ P P t o any evangelical Christian Minister, U K E E Sunday School or Missionary Super­ intendent, one copy of "GOD'S LOV­ ING MONEY RULE FOR YOUR FINANCIAL PROS­ PERITY" for each family in his congregation provid­ ing he will agree to give a talk on,TITHING before distribution.. Write stating number of leaflets desired to

Send for FREE copy of A STUDY IN PROPHECY A 12-Page Scriptural study Christion Witness to Israel Room 205, 69 Fifth Ave., New York 3, N. Y. CHURCH BULLETINS Scriptural— Artistically Designed Large Assortment—Self Selection Lithographed— Special Days General Use Be Sure to Get Our Free Catalog and Samples ECCLESIASTICAL ART PRESS Dept. K Louisville 12, Ky.

TITHER, 417-K South Hill St. Los Angeles 13, California

Western Baptist Bible College 528 33rd St., Oakland 9, Calif. Presenting three years of Intensive Bible Training on a Christ-Honoring Plane. APPROVED FOR VETERAN'S TRAINING Approved by Calif. Assoc. Regular Baptist Churches. January and September registrations. Requests for Prospectus, etc., cheerfully fulfilled.

THE B EST IN V I S U A L A ID S NOW IN B eau t ifu l Rich Co lo rs a t Reduced Prices

You will want this new movable, realistic picture method of telling Bible stories or preaching illustrated sermons. Holds your class spellbound. Discipline problems solved. Give it a try in your class. You’ll be surprised at results. Children want to learn and they clamor for this new way of presenting Bible truths. You will double your attend­ ance. Write for free folder telling all about this new method o f teaching, to—


Dept. K. P. O., Box 145, Pasadena, Calif

CRY OF HEBREW CHRISTIANS —Send Us Light In Our Darkness

One of our He­ brew Christians from Germany, a doctor writes; “ Our food ration has been reduced to 700 cal­ ories a day. Conse­ quen tly there is great sta rva tion . Slowly we lose all hope here. For us old folks life has no more m e a n i n g .

empty, robbed of all we had, we have now returned to Germany. As much as I thank God for preserving so many of our family, yet I suffer with them bitter hunger. It is just awful, day by day, to have to exist on a few slices of bread with no fat.” These and others to whom we minis­ ter through our relief operations beg us to help them maintain soul and body during this bitterly cold winter. The need is indescribable. We earnestly plead for your prayers and help on be­ half of suffering Israel in devastated Europe. $5.00 will pay for a nutritious food packet. $10.00 will pay for a CARE food package of 29 lbs. net. $10.00 per month will support a child whose parents were exterminated.

What keeps some of us up is the faith that God may again have mercy upon us and send us His light in our darkness. Every food parcel you send us supple­ ments our starvation ration and above all helps us to maintain our faith.” A Jewish Christian mother writes out of a heart of anguish: “ Naked and

Please address inquiries and gifts to: International Hebrew Christian Alliance 4919 N. Albany Avenue Rev. Jacob Peltz, Ph.B., B.D., Secretary Canada: 91 Bellevue Ave. Chicago 25, Illinois Toronto, Canada Page Twenty-five

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