King's Business - 1948-02

What if Philip had refused to leave Samaria? What if he had refused to talk with a man whose skin was not the same color as his? What if he had refused to ride in a chariot with a man of a different race? The Lord Jesus said, “ As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.” The

Saviour’s death was as much for one race as for another. He is asking each of His children to speak to others of Him, regardless of their color, education, wealth, etc. and to win them to “ the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.”

church to come to him. After he had re­ minded them of his Christ-like life among them, and o f his faithful preach­ ing o f the gospel to them, he told these elders that they would never see him again. Several times the Holy Spirit had told Paul that imprisonment and suffer­ ings were to happen to him soon. His friends pleaded with him not to go to Jerusalem again, for they knew that there a company of evil Jews were waiting to kill him. Paul courageously and loyally put his Lord and His work first although he realized that going to Jerusalem might bring suffering and death to him. After Paul had warned the Ephesians to serve their Lord faithfully, he knelt down and prayed with them. Tears streamed down their faces as they said “ good-by” to their godly leader and friend. Paul’s self-control, his Christ- like actions, his kind words, and his love for their souls had made him very dear to these Christians. If you should have to leave your friends suddenly, how would they feel? Would they be relieved that you no longer were near them, or would they really miss your clean, consecrated Christian life? Which type of leader are you? Are you one who makes it easier or harder for your friends to speak and to think and to act like the Lord Jesus? If you are following your Lord closely in all that makes up your life, you will lead your friends closer to the Saviour every day. L I THUANI A CALLS Hear the soul-hungry cry of 5,000,000 Lithuanians scattered over the world— dispossessed, dissatisfied, without Christ and the Word of God. Less than 1% profess Christ as Saviour! Since 1928 we have preached Christ by word of mouth and printed page in three continents. Write for the Bible Witness— FREE. Your prayers and help requested. Lithuanian Missionary Ass’n., Inc. P. O. BOX 48S-K, CHICAGO 90, ILLINOIS Interdenominational— A Work of-Faith PARENTS . . . CHILDREN The Christian Parent . . . $2.00 a year. The Children’s Hour . . . 60c, Little Folks Story Time . . . 60c. All 3 PLUS coloring book for only $3.00 if ordered now-. Bible based Child Development Plans. A lifetime blessing. Special offer. Order now THE CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CO. Box 31-K Highland, Illinois Three Ounces of Prevention AND Three Pounds of Cure Each Month 48 Pages of Hard-Hitting Bible Truth “The most for the money” in facts about the times, guidance, teaching, prophetic illumination. Serves the interest of family, teachers, preachers. Twelve monthly features and departments. Subscribe Today. In U .S.A . $1.20 a yr. (10c copy) Foreign $1.35. Sample free. Your fellowship in working, praying, giving, is invited. Gospel and teaching literature supplied free to missionaries, personal workers and prisons as God’s people provide. W rite today for details o f this Faith a/nd Non­ profit work. American Prophetic League, Inc. Box BB, Eagle Rock Station, Lcs Angeles 41, Calif. Page Twenty-seven


Pointers on the Lesson The passage before hs has to do with the believer’s walk. A man once said that he could walk almost any number of miles if the scenery was good: “ but,” he added, “ when it is flat and uninterest­ ing, how one tires!” What scenery en­ chants the Christian pilgrim! The green fields o f revelation, the rocks of sure promise, the rivers that make glad the city o f God—all of these make up the landscape which surrounds the Christian. At every step, fresh sublimities meet his view. In the first three chapters of Ephesians, the inspired apostle presents the inspiration, the motive and the basis for the believers’ walk in the world. Those chapters are doctrinal and lay the firm foundation for the Christian life. The last three chapters are practical and show how the believer ought to walk in this world. Keep, in remembrance the opening plea of the second main division o f Ephe­ sians: “ I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called” (4 :1 ). In the section for this week’s study there is a continuation of the same idea. The word “walk” occurs twice, once in each of the two included divi­ sions. W alk in the L ight (w . 6-14) The main exhortation of this first sec­ tion is found in verse 8: “ Walk as chil­ dren of light.” Believers have been called out of darkness. (Compare 1 Pet. 2 :9 ). Walking in the light implies separation from the works of darkness, for light and darkness are contrary one to the other. One sunshiny morning, I over­ turned an old plank that had been lying in our back yard for a long time. A thou­ sand bugs and worms scattered every­ where, seeking a hiding place. They could not bear the light. They loved darkness. So I considered the light of the gospel that enters men’s hearts. It sends the works of darkness to their hiding places, and the more completely the believer lets the light possess his heart, the more fully will he find him­ self freed from the multiplied forms of sin and uncleanness. The writer in these verses presents a list of things which will flee from the life in the presence of the light. F E B R U A R Y , 1 94 8

Walking in the light also has a definite positive aspect. The Christian should re­ member that his life is a risen life (v. 14). The light and glory o f Christ’s res­ urrection victory should permeate his entire walk. • W alk W isely (w . 15-21) A wise walk should also accompany salvation. In what does a wise walk con­ sist? Note five things that are included in the passage before us: 1. A careful use o f time (v. 16). “ Re­ deeming the time” carries with it the idea of “ buying up” every opportunity for service. We have no time to waste. Every day is precious, for like the words on the old English sundial: “ It is later than you think.” 2. A careful consideration of the will of the Lord (v. 17). How much time would be saved, and sorrow averted, if this were observed seriously! 3. The filling of the Spirit (v. 18). This means an emptying of self and a yielding to God. 4. A joyous and grateful spirit (vv. 19,20). Discontent and ingratitude are marks of the unregenerate. But joy and thankfulness characterize the born-again person. 5. A proper consideration of one an­ other as members o f the body of Christ (v. 21). Let us therefore seek to walk in fellowship with one another and with God. Only thus will we be able to make it manifest that we are the children of the light. We may also have that wisdom which comes from above, and be able to maintain the dignity of Christian charac­ ter. . Helps for the Children F ollow the R ight L eader (A cts 20:17-38) M e m o r y V e r s e : “ Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, what­ soever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things” (Phil. 4 :8 ). Paul and his friends were hurrying by boat to Jerusalem. As they came to a port near Ephesus, where Paul had preached for three years, Paul sent for the elders or leaders o f the Ephesian

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