the work which He had come to do. The Sunday before Jesus’ crucifixion, the crowds were ready to make Him their earthly King. They did not know that His Kingdom was not of this world. Those who receive the Son of God as their own Saviour become members of Christ’s kingdom. Groups of Christians in churches and individual Christians are doing some of the things that Isaiah said that the Lord Jesus would do when He came. They preach the gospel to the
poor, comfort the sorrowing, and help those who are sick. Our Lord said, “ Blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.” The Lord Jesus came to earth to do certain, definite things. When they were all done, He returned to His Father in heaven. God has given His children certain things to do for Him. Can we, in His strength, faithfully do His will each day, until we too receive the greatest of all rewards, His “ Well done . . . good and faithful servant” ?
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MARCH 28,1948 THE CERTAINTY OF ETERNAL LIFE C ol . 3:1-4, 12-17; 1 J ohn 5:11, 12
Pointers on the Lesson Easter is the ideal time in which to consider the victorious Lord and the hopes that He implants within the hu man heart. It is a wonderful time to think of the things that pertain to the after-life, of heaven, of reunion, of things beyond the vision of this world. It is also a good time to think upon the believers’ present relation to the things of the better world, especially upon his relation to the Lord Jesus Christ, the One who brightens the world beyond this vale of tears. The verses before us this week deal very definitely with all of these matters either directly or indirect ly. The true believer is certain of eternal life. T he B eliever is C ertain N ow (C ol . 3:1-3) He is certain now because of his iden tification with his Lord who is a risen Lord. If the believer is in Christ and Christ is alive for evermore (Rev. 1:18), how can any one who belongs to Him be lost? This is not a mere professional identification under consideration, but the condition of the one who possesses a real heart experience with the Lord Jesus Christ. The Head of such an one is in heaven but His life pervades every one of His followers so that they cannot drift beyond His gripping care. Dr. Harry Ironside tells about the brother of simple belief who listened to a ser mon from the verses of this section and was suddenly overcome with the power of the thought in the words, and ex claimed, “ Glory to God! Who ever heard of a man drowning with his head that high above water!” True it is, Christ up there in the heavens will see to it that every soul identified with Him is at last safe Home in glory. Since all of this is true, the upward look is that which should characterize the believer continually. He is dead to things foreign to God and, as a corpse is not affected by the things about it, so he should be dead to all things contrary to the Lord. T he B eliever ’ s C ertainty A waits F uller M anifestation (C ol . 3: 4) The believer’s salvation will be no
more certain in the future than it is now. But it will be more evident. Garbed with present garments of humiliation and so many of the blemishes and de formities of sin still upon him, the be liever does not look very much like a saint o f God at times. But in the day of Christ’s Appearing, he shall be divested of these unattractive features of his life. “ We shall be like him” (1 John 3 :2 ). Just a glimpse of what the believer shall be like in that day was seen in the per son of our Risen Lord. C ertainty of E ternal L ife M eans A C ertain K ind of C onduct (C ol . 3:12-17) This simply means that those who know the risen Christ are obligated to live the risen life. The kind of eternal life that is certain is the kind that pro duces holy conduct. Invariably it issues in the fruit of .the Spirit (Gal. 5:22). My readers will need to ponder carefully the several things suggested in this sec tion and instruct their scholars that these things are to be put on the life just as a new suit of clothes or a new dress is donned. And, of course, before there is the putting on of the new gar ments, there must be the taking off of the old. The two do not belong together (Compare 3 :8 ). C ertainty of E ternal L ife is B ased U pon A R ecord (1 J ohn 5:11, 12) What record? Only one, namely, the Written Record inspired by the Spirit o f God, which tells us about the Saviour. If anyone possesses Him, he may enjoy the certainty of salvation here and now and a glorious prospect for the future. These words present the bridge to eter nity. Are you on it today? Helps for the Children T he L ord is R isen I ndeed (J ohn 21:1-14) M e m o r y V e r s e : “ Because I live, ye shall live also” (John 14:19). The Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died upon the cross. This filled the hearts of His disciples with sorrow and fear. On the third day the Saviour rose
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