from the dead as He had promised He would do. Peter and some of the other disciples were discouraged. They decided to re turn to their old life as fishermen. All night they fished without catching any thing. In the morning they saw Some one standing upon the lake shore. “ Chil dren, have ye any meat?” He asked. When they replied, “ No,” He said, “ Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find.” When the disciples obeyed, they caught so many fish that they were not able to draw in the net. John said to Peter, “ It is the Lord.” Peter put oh his fisherman’s coat, jumped into the lake, and reached the Lord in haste. The other disciples came to shore in a little ship. They found a fire of coals with some fish laid on it and some bread. Jesus told them to bring some of their fish to Him; then He said, “ Come and dine.” What a wonderful lake-side break fast that was for the disciples who were so downcast and afraid! They were eat ing with Jesus again! Perhaps, as they ate, they remembered the Saviour’s promise before His death, “ Because I live, ye shall live also.” The disciple’s Lord was with them again; He would be with them always! New joy and con fidence filled their hearts. Perhaps you have been a discouraged Christian recently. Perhaps you have tried again and again to live for Him and have failed every time. Perhaps Satan has been telling you that you can never be a faithful Christian and that you may as well give up the idea of try ing to honor your Lord. Will you let your risen Saviour speak to your heart upon this Easter Sunday? Will you re member that the power that raised Him from the dead is the power that you may have to make you a faithful child of His?
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