King's Business - 1948-02

ISRAELS MESSIAH PROCLAIMED The most difficult task in Jewish work — evan­ gelizing God’s ancient people Israel — is to follow up the converts, keeping in touch with them con­ stantly. The following experience will illustrate. A Jewish man, because of his habit of gambling, lost his ’, and finally abandoned home, his life’s savings, his car

ture each day. They have regular family devotions, and it is a joy to fellowship again with him in the Lord. The following is another experience in our Jewish work. While on our way home, singing a precious hymn, we passed a newsboy, who remarked that we must be happy. Immediately our missionary approached this boy, giving him the plan of salvation. When the invitation was given to accept our blessed Lord Jesus as Saviour, his ready re­ mark was, “ I know I am a1sinner and have committed sin, and I want to be better.” As our missionary bowed his head, this boy, too, bowed his head, and after the prayer of our missionary for him, he asked God to forgive all his sins, saying he wanted Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour. Before finishing his prayer, and reaching for his back pocket, he pulled out a golf ball, and said, “ I stole this a

his wife and three chil­ dren. He came to us in this pitiful condition, and after much prayer and opening up God’s Word to him, he was willing to get on his knees to accept our blessed Lord Jesus as Saviour. We kept pray­ ing, and some months later he was reunited with his wife and chil­ dren. We were instru­ mental in interesting someone to purchase a $7000 home for him, turning it over to him to make the monthly payments as rent. Reg­ ularly we went to the home instructing, and teaching God’s Word, his wife accepting our Lord as Saviour. A Sunday S c ho o l was

fe w m i n u t e s a g o from that store across the street. I must run back to return this ball.” How wonderful it is that the Ho l y Spirit of God can con­ vict young hearts as well as older hearts! We knew he was com­ pletely saved when he came back and said, “ I feel better now, and I want God to keep me from doing sinful things.” On quite a number of occasions gifts have been sent to Jewish Christians in Europe who were in need of food and clothing and shelter, and recently we were privileged to

Mr. Daniel Rose, Director Jewish Department

found for the three children to attend. Then we thought all was well, because this dear man and his wife came to our Jewish meetings, gave their testimonies, worshipping, and praising God. After some months, this man became bitter again, started to gamble, and lost all fellowship with God. Even as we visited in the home, this man defiantly showed animosity to us and other Christians. Many more months passed, but we kept praying and visiting them in spite of all the disappoint­ ment and heartache. We now want to praise God that there is real victory in this man’s life, and it came about in the following way. God, through chastening, caused his man to have physical affliction, finally resulting in his becoming bedridden. One day as he lay in bed, his small daughter, three years old, came to his bed and noticed that he was crying. Immedi­ ately she ran to her mother with much excitement and tears in her eyes and said, “ Mother, let us all get on our knees and pray for Daddy.” The little girl continually cried and asked God to help daddy. This touched his heart, and he said, “ Lord, I give up. I surrender all. I want to live for Thee. Make me what you want me to be.” As we visited him just a short time ago, his face was radiant. He is now well again and teaching the children two verses of Scrip­

Mr. and Mrs. David Sanders and David Paul Missionaries9 Jewish Department

send a gift of $100.00 to Jewish children’s work in Czecho­ slovakia. Gifts are also sent to a Jewish children’s work in China, orphans of refugees. Please pray for the many requests that come in from both Jewish and Gentile believers for salvation of loved ones, for physical healing, and for wayward sons and daugh­ ters. Also for our children’s work, street meetings, Satur­ day afternoon visitation in homes, personal contacts in hos­ pitals, business places, and wherever we are led during the week to take the precious Gospel to the lost. Pray also for our radio program each Sunday at 2:00 P.M. over KFOX, Los Angeles, for our tract work, for the distribu­ tion of Gospels, Testaments, and Bibles; for the Sunday afternoon Jewish meeting, and for the many Jewish people recently contacted whom we were able to pray for, and some who made a confession of our blessed Jesus as Saviour.

Send for literature describing our work. Address all mail to



Bible Institute of Los Angeles and Cburch o f the Open Door 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 13, California

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