April 27, 2020 Board Converting News

Wasatch Container Collaborates To Manufacture Face Shields The following interview was edited from a longer arti- cle on edcutah.org . Scott Marland of Wasatch Innovations and Brett Bangerter of Wasatch Container are profession- als from two companies collaborating on the manufactur- ing of face shields. The companies were recently awarded a purchase order from the State of Utah to deliver 5,000 units by the end of April. It’s a one-piece product with in- tegrated, closed-cell foam padding and an elastic strap. Depending on how it’s used, it’s a one-use product. It’s not intended to be sanitized and put back into a high-contact environment. Q: What was the genesis of the idea for manufacturing a new face shield?

A: Scott : My wife Jenny is a physical therapist and we were in the kitchen talking about the shortage of PPE. I’m a mechanical engineer, a design guy. She said, “Why can’t you make something to help?”


I can’t sew to save my life, but I’ve worked with plastics in medical device design and outdoor products. So masks and gowns were out, but face shields were in my wheelhouse. Jenny makes doll clothes for the kid’s school charity auction and uses manila cardstock in some of those patterns, so we just used card- stock to make some early prototypes. My nephew, who is sheltering in place in our home, is studying mechanical engineer- ing at the University of Utah. He started do- ing CAD (computer aided design) based on those first attempts. Then we started printing prototypes. We tested different versions – Are they easy to put on and take off? Can you wear glasses under the face shield without it fogging up? I even had our kids involved to see if the prototypes fit different head sizes. Q: Once you had a workable prototype, how did you move to manufacturing? A: Scott: Initial design to a workable proto- type took from Saturday morning to Tuesday afternoon. I knew Brett at Wasatch Container from my previous work at the BioInnovations Gateway, a life science business incubator in South Salt Lake. I knew Wasatch Container could take the prototype to the finished-prod- uct stage. A: Brett: Wasatch Container is a 25-year- old company based in North Salt Lake and we specialize in the custom fabrication and printing of boxes, foam structures, and wood crates. I’ve known Scott for more than a de- cade. With Scott I knew it would work. I took the request to our owner and he said, “We’ve got to do this. Let’s make a difference.”

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April 27, 2020

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