
F entanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid. You can get addicted even if you only take it for a short amount of time. People addicted to fentanyl have a condition called opioid use disorder, or OUD. If you know what to look for, you can spot signs of this disorder. However, only a doctor can make an official diagnosis. Symptoms of OUD can include both addiction and non-addicted abuse. No one knows exactly how many people suffer from fentanyl addiction. However, the addiction rate seems to have increased in recent years. You can get effective help for your fentanyl problems at Pathfinders. We will work with you to create a treatment plan that fits your goals. Depending on your situation, you may need inpatient or outpatient care to recover. In some cases, our Fentanyl addiction treatment programs will use medication. We also use several kinds of behavioral therapy. When used together, these methods are called medication-assisted treatment or MAT. By following key guidelines, you can prevent fentanyl addiction from occurring.

7580 E Gray Rd Suite 201 Scottsdale, AZ 85260

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