P rescription pill addiction has skyrocketed in the United States over the past three decades, mostly due to an over-prescription of pain medication and anxiety medication. Another factor in the rise of prescription pill addiction is the use of ADHD medication such as Ritalin and Adderall in college as a recreational drug, or as a wonder drug that helps them study and focus during their exams. While all these medications have a legitimate purpose and can have great benefits when taken at the right dosage, when abused many of these medications carry a high potential for addiction. Prescription pill addiction The staff at Pathfinders Recovery Center understands what it is like to struggle with addiction. We have all been there, and we have found a way out out! We are here to show you the way by giving you the right tools to grow with strength and courage. Our clients learn to work through their emotional barriers and past trauma by participating in addiction treatment through individual and group therapy, trauma therapy, Somatic Experiencing, The Daring Way™, CBT and DBT, while also being involved in 12 Step based meetings and service work in the local recovery community. Our approach is simple, yet effective and compassionate.
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