10-16 -15

Real Estate Journal — Financial Digest — October 16 - 29, 2015 — 13A


M id A tlantic

F inancial D igest

To run a FREE LISTING of your commercial lenders fill out coupon Don't Miss This Opportunity! • Deadline: Oct. 30 , 20 15 • MAREJ ' S A NNUAL C OMMERCIAL L ENDER’S D IRECTORY ❏ Please have an advertising rep. contact me about your special rates. ❏ C heck here if you’d like a special listing (includes logo and border) - $50 - double block $100 Company Name: __________________________ Address: ________________________________ ________________________________________ Telephone/Fax: ___________________________ Commercial Brokers: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Barbara Holyoke , Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal 781-871-5298 x202 Fax: 781-871-5299 Email: bholyoke @marejournal.com MAREJ’s Lenders’s Directory Spotlight!

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